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General Well writed links show up only on Firefox

Discussion in 'General' started by andrewmoquin, Jul 31, 2009.

  1. andrewmoquin

    andrewmoquin New Member

    Hello, I'm not sure if this the right thread for this question,but I was reading the FAQ and couldn't find any answer.Here's my question; Is the first time I made a web site,I was learning codes and already finished the classes.I'm looking for any kind of help [​IMG] My problem is I have all my pages linked,like<a href=""/a> and they work perfectly on Firefox,I went to Internet Explorer, and Opera to check if they look the same.and what a shame[​IMG] only some links works and some images show up.Does anybody have an idea what it could be? .This is the way I linked them, don't know if is the browser or the web hosting (is a free one)/><a href="http://thegipsypages.bravehost.com/"><font size="3" font color=000000 font face="lucida calligraphy"><b>~MY MOTHER GOOSE PAGES~</b></font></a>I have a friend and she try it in AOL and same ,some links don't work.can anybody help me or give me any trick[​IMG] ? Thank you a lot.

    “Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.”
    “Marriage is a three rings circus: engagement rings , wedding rings and sufferings.”
  2. bmcoll3278

    bmcoll3278 New Member

    href="http://thegipsypages.bravehost.com/" loose the foward / at the end not needed
    also dont know for sure but ~ may be looked at as code. also what is your url If I can see the source code I may be able to help.