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General Using MusiciansAgency for Personal Webpage - need to make separate pages

Discussion in 'General' started by chrissiek, Sep 6, 2009.

  1. chrissiek

    chrissiek New Member

    Hello, I'm liking the setup of musicians agency for a personal web page.

    So far I've been tweaking the index.html file to customize it.

    However I would like to know how others made separate pages for this such as the Gallery. Where would it placed on the page or would it open to another page?

    also would latest news trail down the page or would there be a "more" link like in Wordpress to click on it to see the rest of the news.

    For a constant second page where the information could show up on the bottom, maybe it would be better if the cell for Latest News stretched across the bottom of the page and then the info can show up down there as a frame.

    Would anyone have any suggestions on what they did for a page when clicking on the pics under the main image?

  2. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    To make a new page just copy the index.html and rename it to gallery.html.
    Now edit the gallery.html by adding your own pictures and text.
    Also edit the gallery link on everypage to point to gallery.html page
  3. chrissiek

    chrissiek New Member

    Right I understand that. But I'm talking about how this template is setup with all these "tables." I've seen sites where tables and frames are looked down upon when coding.

    If you use dreamweaver, it will give you an option of "Main" then "calendar" then "new page" etc. (with tables but you can pretty much figure where you want your info to go)

    With this theme using the tables where is the best place in them to put the coding for the gallery or a listing of concerts you've seen or even a list of links.
  4. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    There's not a table in site only Columns. Just selectors and classes in the css file. In the index file you'll find where you call them up to form the layout.