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General template32 help with menu

Discussion in 'General' started by c0ldfyr3, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. c0ldfyr3

    c0ldfyr3 New Member

    Hi guys, i am trying to customize the menu but im having a hard time. Not sure how to do so

    I'd like my menu to be in this order
    News|Local|Music|Downloads|Sponsors|Forum|Links|About Us| Contact

    If anyone can help me it'd be great
  2. stylianou

    stylianou New Member

    ive edited this answer 3 times ftl... anyway i believe wat u r trying to do is just change the order of the already created template tabs/buttons, u need to go to ur index page and search for tabs in the code when u find them its usually as simple as placing the code before or after the other tabs.

    note: with a template u will have to do this for every main page otherwise ur main page will look correct but the others will not be in the correct order.

    hope this helps :D
  3. c0ldfyr3

    c0ldfyr3 New Member

    Thanks that did help but i also need to create a new tab/button I noticed with the Source.psd i can create a whole new image set for the website but i can't seem to find out how to work. I have an idea specially after the tip you gave me ill keep you posted.
  4. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    I just updated the template it now works with "real HTML text".
    All you need to do now is edit the text in the html file to have your own order and text.
    Download it here.
  5. stylianou

    stylianou New Member

    ha too easy :p,

    glad i could help
  6. c0ldfyr3

    c0ldfyr3 New Member

    awesome, i could not thank you enough. i did get the menu as i wanted it but ill download this one also.
