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General Template Doesn't Display Properly

Discussion in 'General' started by Tizzy_10, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. tomw

    tomw Member

    ROOT level is the same as the www folder. It is the first directory or folder in your wamp server; something like this:

  2. Tizzy_10

    Tizzy_10 New Member

    Ok, i've got it in my 'www' folder inside 'wamp' but i'm not sure how to 'run' it, I used to think that just meant open it but it only opens up in ConTEXT and doesn't do anything else.
  3. tomw

    tomw Member

  4. Tizzy_10

    Tizzy_10 New Member

    Yay! I think it's worked, thank you, thank you, thank you!

    It's said 'Downloading fwt_fashion...' for a few hours now but I think it's finished since there's no loading icons or anything.

    Do you know how I can edit it from here?
  5. tomw

    tomw Member

  6. Tizzy_10

    Tizzy_10 New Member

    Yep, it shows up fine, there are 2 notices of undefined indexes but the page looks normal so that shouldn't be a problem.

    Is there a way for me to edit the template, as well as create new pages?
  7. tomw

    tomw Member

    Great! Those notices can be eliminated by inserting this line in index.php and admin.php right after <?php


    Please go to w-CMS documentation site and you will find the instructions on how to use this CMS; for example, here is a page on how to create a new page.
  8. Tizzy_10

    Tizzy_10 New Member

    Sorry, I tried the code but the notices keep appearing.

    Whenever I click WAMPSERVER, Localhost it takes me to the w-CMS Features Demonstration page, is this normal?

    Also, i'm not sure how I log in to change things, I'm yet to set a password but I don't know how.

    Thanks for your help!

  9. tomw

    tomw Member

    As with anything new, there is a learning curve; hopefully it’s not too deep with this CMS.

    Following these steps to reconfigure your installation:

    • Remove the files password and member from the folder fwt_fashion and then remove folder main and demo and rename folder fwt_fashion to main.
    • Now go to your localhost and you should see the site is using the fashion template.
    • At the bottom of the page there is a Login link, click on it and you should see a cPanel asking for the password. Enter admin for the password (make sure Admin is selected); if you want to login as member then enter member for the password with member selected. Note that member has no administration capability.
    • Once you are logged in you will automatically redirect to the main site’s home page where you will see a pencil icon at each editable region of the page. Click on any one those icon will bring up a popup window where you can update the content.

    With the change as I suggested you should not get anymore notices. Make sure the index.php is like this:


    $_GET['type'] == "info")

    $site userSite("main"); // file is the default site

    include_once ("$site/localFunctions.php");
    include_once (


    | get/set user site  |
    function userSite($default)
    $site $_REQUEST['site'];
    $site=="mysite"$site $_COOKIE['mysite'];
    $site $_SESSION['site'];
    $site$site $default;
    file_exists("$site/localFunctions.php") )
    $site $default;
    $_SESSION['site'] = $site;

  10. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Fun Fact - All serves look for index.html or index.htm or default.html or default.htm or index.php or default.php to automatically serve up a page. Depending how that page is coded is what you will see. You can always look at the code to see what the fill will do.
  11. tomw

    tomw Member

    Those are valuable info to know as to determine which file is being used. I'm sure he was using index.php since the demo site was being shown.
  12. Tizzy_10

    Tizzy_10 New Member

    It worked perfectly tomw, thank you so much for spending your time helping me!
    I'd been putting this
    just above the bottom rather than just below the top :p

    Thanks ishkey, it will be useful to keep in mind :)
  13. tomw

    tomw Member

    As you can see, interpret the instruction incorrectly will not produce the expected result. The most challenging part of programming is getting the users to understand. This is my weak point. With NavyFalcon help with his free tutorials info I might able to improve on it. Fortunately for now we have worked this part out.

    If you want to move this project forward I think it is better for you to get a webhost to build your site. Of course you will be using w-CMS;) This way we can all see what your site looks like and we can identify the errors easier. If you wish not to spend any money for now you could use free hosting services. I have signed up with four of them and they all work but they do have some limitation.
  14. Tizzy_10

    Tizzy_10 New Member

    I'm currently using WAMPSERVER, I don't know whether that's a web host or a free hosting service but it doesn't have any limitations as far as I know.
  15. tomw

    tomw Member

    The site you created using WAMPSERVER is visible only to you unless you put it on line which is not a good idea as noted by ishey. What I suggested is to have it hosted by a hosting company so that we all can see the site.
  16. Tizzy_10

    Tizzy_10 New Member

    Ok, is there certain requirments I should be looking out for when I pick, I'm not sure how much disk space i'd be using.

    Also, I was wondering whether you could guide me through the process of installing osCommerce to go with the site, preferably v2.3.1 if that's possible.

  17. tomw

    tomw Member

    What you asking is beyond me. osCommerce is a very popular open source CMS for online shopping websites. They have a very active support forum. I'm sure you will find your answers there. Good luck.
  18. Tizzy_10

    Tizzy_10 New Member

    I'll check it out right away, thanks again for all your help tomw, I couldn't have got this far without you!! :D