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General Silly newbie question about the primer

Discussion in 'General' started by Chevy396z, Mar 11, 2010.

  1. Chevy396z

    Chevy396z New Member

    Hey all.

    First off, my thanks for providing such a valubale service.

    I read the basic primer and have a basic understanding of html. I downloaded the template, unzipped it, and got all the files as mentioned in the primer.

    Hit a brick wall at this step:

    >Click on the index.html file and it will open in your browser. It looks just >like the one on line, great. (You can always view your work in your >browser)

    I don't see the page as shown on your website, but get a white background with everything lined up on the left hand side of the page.

    Am I missing a simple step? Using IE8 if that matters.

    Thank you very much!

    Mark (hoping not to be too much of a nuisance here) ;-)

  2. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    the css file is missing.
    either the file did not download completely or your zip program didn't work
    try again.
  3. Chevy396z

    Chevy396z New Member

    Thank you very much for your prompt response.

    Tried it a few more times, and with different templates, to no avail :(

    Any suggestions on how to proceed?


    editted: I *did* get a file called "style", which is a cascading style sheet document....

    and editted again LOL I've got it ;-) Thank you!!
  4. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Sounds like you got it.
    For all others who read this post when you download the zip files, the contents should look like pic shown. Note the placement of the files, this is called the directory structure, it's where the files are located. If you look at the code in the files you can see this same structure when say calling a graphic to be displayed. Which is located in the images directory.
    This is the same structure that has been around since Personal Computers first came out.

    Attached Files:

    • see.jpg
      File size:
      4 KB