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General Need help installing

Discussion in 'General' started by Whitewolf***, Nov 23, 2006.

  1. Whitewolf***

    Whitewolf*** New Member

    ok i got a website with a server i got and i thought it was gona come with a easy to use installer, but its just a bunch of mubo jumbo and lots of icons lol well i downlaoded a free template i want to use but i have no idea how to install it, if some one would like to help get back to me, my xfire is sofwhitewolf and i have vent to use also, thanks
  2. mcstec

    mcstec New Member

    I can help
  3. paul374

    paul374 New Member

    hmm ok if on the admin home page!

    go to file manager
    then go to public html if it isnt there then go to www.
    then click upload file then upload the index.html and the style.css
    then all u have to do is edit it!

    hoped this helped, if you still need help i could also help out