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General Link problems

Discussion in 'General' started by LMitchell95, Sep 4, 2009.

  1. LMitchell95

    LMitchell95 New Member


    I am using the Architecture template (architecture2.zip) and have it modified to suit my needs. Thanks for the wonderful template! The last item I need to take care of is modifying the links on the left hand side.

    I created a blank page named "blank.htm" in the same directory as the index file. I then changed the link references to:

    <a href="blank.htm">Blank</a>

    Firefox handles this just fine so my dilemma is with IE. IE (7 and 8) do nothing (except list the proper location in the status bar) but do nothing when the link is clicked. If I replace "blank.htm" in the reference to a fully qualified http address, it works fine and goes to the http address.

    I have created a different directory to hold the blank page and recurse the link to that directory. Once again the status bar shows the correct location but does nothing when the link is clicked.

    If I manually type the location of the blank file into the address bar (the same as the "a href" location) it comes right up.

    Please help!
  2. LMitchell95

    LMitchell95 New Member


    When I posted it in a temp directory online, the blank references worked. They still don't work locally ... :mad:
  3. Judia

    Judia New Member

    it could be somethign with yoru compuer. If i'm getting this right, your links work when uploaded onto the internet, but not when you're seeing it displayed from a file on your computer? If so, then it could be somethign wrong with yoru computer or try the ending html intead of htm.