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General index page help

Discussion in 'General' started by jeezey, Aug 24, 2006.

  1. jeezey

    jeezey New Member

    Yeah I edited a index.html and when I put it on there you cant see any of the .css styles or the background or anything. Its just the text, with like a few links.

    Im sure its something simple that I have to fix. but im a noob/begginner when it comes to this stuff.

    Any help would be greatley appreciated.
  2. Django

    Django New Member

    Heh, until 5 minutes ago, i was having the same problem. This is what you do:
    Find that. Then edit it to make it look like:

    Change the red. If it still shows up with text and a few links, I can't help you.
  3. Clifford_Lui

    Clifford_Lui New Member

    Save your document in the same directory of style.css should solve the problem. Try it.