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General How to use new psd in my index (Dreamweaver)

Discussion in 'General' started by Soniags73, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. Soniags73

    Soniags73 New Member

    Hi there!

    I have downladed the template https://freewebsitetemplates.com/preview/booksonline/ and changed some of the jpgs and the texts. Now I would like to know how I can make that new psd file a web page using dreamweaver, so I can put new links. I open the original index and I can see there a table with a lot of link on it, a layer, but I can not find the psd to change the image of the original psd for my new one.
    I do not know, maybe it is not possible at all, and I am getting mad about it.
    Thank you for your help, experts! ;)
    All the best,

  2. Soniags73

    Soniags73 New Member

    Any help...?
  3. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    you can not.
    Dreamweaver is a text editor. Photoshop is the graphics editor.
    There are no tables in the original index file.
    The psd file is included in the down load zip file.
    Don't get mad, just get unconfused.
    If you want to make a psd file and save it for the web in a table format use Photoshop.
    If all you want to do is edit the text, graphic names and code you use DW.
    Both programs require you understand what they do and how they work.
    And please do not double post the same question.
  4. Soniags73

    Soniags73 New Member

    OK. I was trying to save time editing in the psd with photoshop instead editing in dreamweaver becuase it would work. Now I will edit it in Dreamweaver.
    Thank you very much! :)
  5. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    You better re- read the answer again as you still got it backwards.
    DW= editing for the code in the html and css files.
    PS= editing graphics files.
  6. Luke Walter

    Luke Walter New Member

    So, are you saying there is no way to customize the images and graphics on the templates?
  7. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Going Going Gone

    Attached Files:

  8. Luke Walter

    Luke Walter New Member

    Haha, you know your not very helpful or nice. Also not to smart.. Heh.. I figured out a way to do it. Took me all day, but it works. Go get your sh*t straight big boy!.. :)
  9. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Well good for you - for figuring it out.
    I'm working on my reading skills to allow me to comprehend what's written in posts so some day "I get smarter". Not helpful or nice - yep that's me. I been accused of making people think, (a novel idea if I say so myself).
    Maybe if I had gotten my sh*t straight long ago I wouldn't have a hemroid problem. As they say ignorance is bliss.

    Attached Files:

  10. Professor Stefan

    Professor Stefan New Member

    if you want to save time in future better use css convention , it will make your site optimization in many ways , all the best friend

    Professor Stefan