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General how to create web sites ?

Discussion in 'General' started by FireArm, Sep 7, 2006.

  1. FireArm

    FireArm New Member

    i have dream waver 8 and flash 8 and fireworks (fegot the version)
    ive tryed to use dream waver help help but its to hard to follow

    so i like to learn
    i want to make nice sites and xbox one mostly
    if i was to get ask here can some one help me make and learn
  2. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    If you get stuck on something post here and I will gladly help you out.
  3. Angina

    Angina New Member

    I would like to start a clan website for battlefield 1942 but i have no idea where to start. Do you think you can help me?
  4. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    Well 1st of all I sugest you dom some simple tutorials for Dreamweaver so you know the basics of the programs and can set up a webpage.

    Just google dreamweaver tutorials.
  5. jzooo

    jzooo New Member

    I am buying a "real" domain on friday around five and so I need some ones help right away! I am looking for a css template that is vary open with white backround and some light blue. I only need a "face" template not a web.

    Please contact: j-zooo@hotmail.com with your help

    My web is: http://www.freewebs.com/jzooo for now at least.