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General How do I use and work on template?

Discussion in 'General' started by scflan, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. scflan

    scflan New Member

    I got my template and extracted the files. What now? There is a images file, psd, index, style. I'm lost! When I click on them, I get a (What program do you want to open this with?) Do I need a web editor or special software? Help me obie1, you're my only hope.
  2. upananchai

    upananchai New Member

    did you receive any answer on your questions?

    If so, please forward them to me, i'm just as lost as you are ;)

    MATHIAS New Member

    I don't know much about it but I'm trying to figure this out. So far this is what I know, but correct me if I'm wrong.

    The index file is what you would see if you open the site on the internet. If you open this file with notepad you can change pictures and links etc...
    My guess is that this index (HTML) file is created by Adobe Photoshop and that you should make your changes in the PSD file. I'm not sure. I've downloaded Photoshop and with this program I can open the PSD file. Here you can change text, photo's, images. Maybe you can change the links here too, but I haven't figured that out so far. I don't know either how i can create a good index file of the PSD file. If I do this there are no links behind the buttons. can someone tell me how this works?
  4. mssusan

    mssusan New Member

    read this carefully https://freewebsitetemplates.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5694 you will get your answer.

    and read https://freewebsitetemplates.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3133 for how to upload your template on your hosting.

    I hope these help you.
  5. lorisun

    lorisun New Member

    i extracted the files from the zip folder of my template but couldn't get the graphics file (psd) or the images file.....i don't understand why they aren't there......can anyone help me with this?
    thank you.