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General Hi a bit of help please

Discussion in 'General' started by Duffy, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. Duffy

    Duffy New Member

    Hi Im a web designer from the UK but use web templates I have 3 new orders for websites:

    A hairdressers
    a music producers
    and a girls dancing class

    I can't seem to find a good template for these.

    I would be willing to pay you 10 pounds through paypal (roughly 18 dollars) for a good one of all 3 not bad if you can find them in on hour,
    Thanks Duffy.
  2. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    Are you after full rights for these templates? Your not ment to resell them..
  3. Duffy

    Duffy New Member

    All the websites I make are for charity, harmony youth project.

    We work with young people trying to help them turn there lives around the extra money raise from web designing goes toward organising events.

    www.harmonyyouthproject.co.uk <-- This is our website that I made.
    Click on the make a donation button on the site you will see it is my email address which is also my name.

    Im paying £10 to whoever helps me find the right templates, £10 for their time not the actual templates.

    O forgot Im dont mind not having full rights.