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General Help with template download for a total dumbo

Discussion in 'General' started by agme28, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. agme28

    agme28 New Member


    Yesterday I downloaded this template Finding Peace but I have no idea what to open and edit it with. I don't have Dreamweaver or anything, I tried opening the php file in Word but naturally, it didn't work as I assume I need to load all the unzipped files somehow?

    Many thanks!!

    PS What is wordpress? Is this template something I can make into a website for myself? Ta.
  2. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    If you're editing PHP/HTML/CSS etc. use Notepad, or better yet Notepad++.
    If you only want to change the look rather than layout, you should just be able to change the images included in the download, without needing Dreamweaver or anything.

    Wordpress is a blog publishing platform - WordPress › Blog Tool and Publishing Platform

    Is that template made for wordpress? If it isn't, you can use it by itself for a website. It should tell you on the site you downloaded it from, website template or wordpress theme/style/template or something.
  3. agme28

    agme28 New Member

    Thanks for replying. I just want to swap the text for my own and make sure I have the pages I need. I would keep the layout the same basically. The template is described as this:

    "The Finding Peace design was built on a Windows machine with valid CSS and XHTML 1.0 Strict. It was tested in Windows for FF 2.0, IE 6.0 and with Mac OS X for Safari 1.3."

    If I edit in Notepad, can I see the changes as I don't know anything about html codes etc?
