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General GoDaddy.com hosting and template help.

Discussion in 'General' started by Mindz, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. Mindz

    Mindz New Member

    So I have a website I'm developing atm that's being hosted on Godaddy and I've run into a problem. I was reading a few of the posts here and couldn't find an answer to this problem. I have the world of warcraft template, and godaddy uses a java based ftp client. The files/folders under the domain are


    I'm not sure where I should upload the folder containing the WoW template. Any pointers would be very much appreciated,
  2. paul374

    paul374 New Member

    i thought godaddy.com was a domain name website, you can upload your template at http://awardspace.com it's perfect theres no ads or anything and read all the stuff that comes with a free account and theres no catch i use it!
  3. Mindz

    Mindz New Member

    at godaddy they have they're own hosting that you can buy as well. it's a randomname.secureserver.net
  4. paul374

    paul374 New Member

    oh..... well you should have a file manager....look to see if you have one and if so upload your files in there
  5. Mindz

    Mindz New Member

    Which folder should I upload it to? The joomla one or a sub directory under joomla? Shold I put it in the base and have joomla try and read it from there?
  6. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    I don't know the file structure of godaddy, but normally you need to place it in a folder with the name public_html or www.

    If you don't have any folder by this name try to add an index.html file in the parent folder and check if the file is viewable when going to your domain name.