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General Error message on upload of ZIP file

Discussion in 'General' started by Balders, Dec 27, 2009.

  1. Balders

    Balders New Member

    Firstly, hello all, i am new to this forum and really need someones help.
    Trying to upload fibreglass template to my hoster and it comes back with error . File name pattern is invalid. The correct one is {colourgroup}_{picturename}_{menustyle}
    Can anyone help with what to do to correct this so I can syccessfully upload template, thanks in advance Balders.
  2. FR34K

    FR34K New Member

    Some hosting companies do not let you upload files with Spaces or other characters in the name so if you have a page like /About Us.htm it will reject the upload. That happened to us and we renamed it to /AboutUs.htm which fixed it.