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General Create a site using Free Website Templates in 3 easy steps

Discussion in 'General' started by tomw, May 24, 2011.

  1. tomw

    tomw Member

    OK, I got your site set up for the test. Here is the link. It is not done yet but I think I got all the pages created.
  2. tomw

    tomw Member

    There are lots links somewhat hidden. I will try to find them best I could.
  3. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    I have never used a CMS editor and I do not understand how yours works.
    The site looks different in the CMS version, is that intentional or the way CMS functions. I use Core lite FTP. You suggest Filezilla to download, will Core lite FTP work ? After downloading, what do you use to open it ?
    That's where I am now. Need to learn so I can write the tutorial.
  4. tomw

    tomw Member

    You use a FTP program to upload the files you downloaded and unpacked from w-CMS project site. Any FTP that can send data to your webhost should be fine. I did not suggest to use Filezilla but I use it. If you choose the automatic install option there is only one file (install.php) you need to upload into your webhost; the manual install requires all the files and folders to be uploaded. Take a look this instruction again and let me know which parts are not cleared.
  5. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

  6. tomw

    tomw Member

    I’m a programmer and just recently started learning about graphic. I used what I learn thus far and help a member here with her site. Once I learned more about building websites maybe I will have enough knowledge to offer my opinion and do as suggested. Thanks.
  7. sparrow97

    sparrow97 New Member

    my name is sparrow97 and am new here!! but with time i know i will make it....
  8. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    Comments on "http://code.google.com/p/wcms/downloads/list"

    <title>Downloads - wcms - wfiedler Content Management System -
    Google Project Hosting</title>

    Use "http://www.keyworddiscovery.com/search.html" (free keyword
    suggestion tool) to check your words keywords in.

    Note: This is how I check keywords. Alpha on the left. Numeric
    on the right, star words I use (date listed and Google

    Geometry Keywords Fri 16 Dec 11 Google pg 2 pos 2
    Geometry Tutorials, math, lesson, calculator, detailled answers

    01. angle . . . . . . . 475 - - - - * math . . . . . 2822
    02. angles . . . . . . 413 - - - - - line . . . . . 1924
    03. answer . . . . . . 367 - - - - - plane . . . . 1438
    04. answers . . . . . . 1168 - - - - * answers . . . 1168
    05. area . . . . . . . 772 - - - - - point . . . . 1145
    06. circle . . . . . . 442 - - - - - geometry . . . . 851
    07. circles . . . . . . 156 - - - - - area . . . . . . 772
    08. coordinate . . . . . 28 - - - - - planes . . . . . 555
    09. coordinate grid . . . 36 - - - - - instructions . . 524
    10. coordinate plane . . 53 - - - - - pyramid . . . . 479
    11. figures . . . . . . 172 - - - - - angle . . . . . 475
    12. geometry . . . . . 851 - - - - - circle . . . . . 442

    This is a partial list of 45 keywords (but you get the idea)
    First set for best position and maximum traffic, then I will
    tell you how to adjust for a compromise between position,
    traffic and targeted traffic (or reduced bounce rate)
    hope this helps
  9. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    More on webpage SEO. These are some of my pages and positions (you can check and verify). You will do as good or better following simple SEO instructions.

    Web Pages Google: 29 Dec 11

    1st page
    a. Aerospace Engineering Tutorials pos 1
    b. Arithmetic Tutorials pos 7
    c. Algebra Tutorials 1 pos 2
    d. Algebra Tutorials 2 pos 2
    e. Mechanical Hydraulic pos 1
    f. Mechanical Engineering Tutorials pos 1
    g. Plumbing Kitchen Sink Tutorials pos 4
    h. Plumbing Bathroom Shower Tutorials pos 2
    i. Plumbing Bathroom Sink Tutorials pos 2
    j. Plumbing Laundry Sink Tutorial pos 1
    k. Plumbing Laundry Sink pos 7
    l. Plumbing Bathroom Toilet Tutorial pos 4
    2nd page
    Geometry Turorials pos 1

    3rd page
    Trigonometry Tutorials pos 5
    Plumbing Bathroom Shower pos 5
    4th page
    Calculus Tutorials pos 5
    Plumbing Bathroom Toilet pos 2
    You need to create a list of your pages like above and track their progress.
    Obviously this is just a partial list. You need to SEO your main or index page and all the other pages for position and traffic. As you improve your position and traffic, keep a log and be prepared to write how you did it on this forum. A lot of people will be interested and you can show and tell how you got to Google page 1, position 1.
    hope this helps
  10. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    This is for "http://w-cms.org/"

    <title>w-CMS Designers Templates</title> (25 characters -
    including spaces) Google allows 66 characters (including spaces).
    Try to add a brief description using some of your keywords until
    you have about 66 characters.

    Description is more important then the keyword tag.
    Google allows 150 characters (including spaces). Use several of
    your best keywords to describe the page. Check similar pages or
    sites to get ideas on description. Check keywords in a keyword
    suggestion tool such as

    Make a list of keywords with popularity numbers (like I did)
    and use the list for help writing the description.
    hope this helps
  11. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    Computer & Monitor

    Please remember, my computer is a Compaq before HP took them over (over 10 years old) and about 1Ghz AMD processor. I use Win XP pro O.S. so when I talk about my system, it may not apply to your system. Also software may respond differently. Win Vista, Win 7, & Win 8 all have come out as improvements. I also use Firefox 3.6.25 an old system that should be updated (but I like this version). And I use 800 x 600 screensize (my monitor is a 21" flatscreen) OK I updated the monitor. So when I check out something, this should be taken into consideration.
  12. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

  13. tomw

    tomw Member

    It was good stuff but not any more till I could identify the security issue that might get your site hacked.

    I will report back when the project is resumed. Thanks.

    Please stop promoting your products here till you are well established. I’ve been warned numerous times when I was a new member. :cautious:
  14. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    Is this true ??
    Why SEO for CMS is different

    Database-driven websites use server-hosted software to generate the site pages as required. There are no pages on the server. The application, working with its extensions (usually called plugins), determines the entire website content. There are constraints in many areas, and opportunities in others - but you have to know the technology.

    And when you change anything drastically, there will be a knock-on effect. There couldn't be anything much more drastic than deleting all your web pages and changing to a database. Instead of having many web pages on the server, now there are none. Instead of having your web publishers or webmaster do the page edits over a week or a month, now you do it yourself in two minutes.
    obtained from another forum
  15. tomw

    tomw Member

    I’m back. I finally tracked down how the hackers had destroyed or took over some of my sites. It was a simple error in my part but the results were devastated. And now I will continue with my development of this CMS. Hopefully there are no more backdoors where the hackers can gain entry.

    I have recently teamed up with the owner of trade-th.com to offer the service of building websites using open source templates such as those from this site by using this CMS. I will be more than happy to work with you if you wish to try out this service.
  16. tomw

    tomw Member

    Just an update to let everyone knows that you do not need to sign up with iPage for hosting to use this CMS. You can simply go to our project site here to download the programs.

    You can install the CMS automatically into your webhost by using install.php (unpack install.zip) or download the package ttsb-03.zip (the number may change for new versions), unpack it and upload all the files into your webhost.

    If you have any questions, please post them here or at our forums.
    CovertPea likes this.
  17. andlosek

    andlosek New Member

    The thread is obviously a good one for those looking to build a CMS based website with free template.Thanks "tomw" for his tutorials.As a Web designer it will must help me.
  18. atomicheartfather

    atomicheartfather New Member

    Hey all, OK I'm a newbee at this & I appreciate all the help you're providing.
    I'm going to broadcast a music site but need a template for it, so if any ideas come up & Hopefully some instruction, I could only say "Thanks". (& let you know what 2 sites will be playing. There's also 26 more sites I can broadcast). Send any links my way & I'll reply. Thanks again.