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General No clear information about Usage

Discussion in 'General' started by SevenofNine, Dec 25, 2008.

  1. SevenofNine

    SevenofNine New Member

    I could not find any clear information in the Terms of use about the usage of parts from a template in something else.

    For example taking a button from a template and using it in a commercial print or some other kind of digital product.

    I would appreciate a clarification about this.

    Seven of Nine
  2. pezboy45

    pezboy45 Mod/Design & Coder [Pro]

    search with in the forum.
    I saw it, but can't remember where it was.
  3. Raminlamin

    Raminlamin New Member

    Hi there,

    I also would like to know if a commercial use is allowed.
    Unfortunately I couldn't find information, although I searched for it.

    Maybe you could help and tell us?
    Thank you in advance
  4. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Try clicking on the HOME page where you can view the templates.

    Attached Files:

    • use.jpg
      File size:
      100.4 KB
  5. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    Here it is right here :)
    Before using a template from Free Website Templates you must agree to the following Terms of Use:

    Unlike most free template providers you can do a lot with our templates. Modify it and redistribute it as long as you state that you used a template originally made by Free Website Templates. We have worked hard to make the templates and ask that you respect our hard work so we can continue providing you with high quality templates.

    You can remove any link to our websites from a template you're free to use the template without linking back to us. But don't forget to tell anyone that can use our service about it, that is if you like our website your friends will too.

    No materials from Free Website Templates can be resold. No items can be made part of a portfolio.

    FreeWebsiteTemplates.com does not allow you to use the templates for websites or individuals that participate in warez, hacking, cracking, malicious computer crime or fraud, or any other material or activity that is illegal.

    In order to use any of our materials, you must agree to indemnify and hold harmless Freewebsitetemplates.com, and its affiliates, against any and all claims, liability, losses, costs and expenses (including lawyers' fees on a solicitor and client basis).

    Any violations of the terms of use will be considered an infringement of our intellectual property rights and copyrighted materials. FreeWebsiteTemplates.com reserves the right to change or modify these terms with no prior notice.

    Thanks for reading our terms of use and good luck with your website.
  6. mike3654

    mike3654 New Member

    Thanks for laying it out