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General hello, newbie here

Discussion in 'General' started by kenny1999, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. kenny1999

    kenny1999 New Member


    first time here, first time to use template

    i did search on google to find free but great webpage template here

    I have downloaded some free template

    but really has no idea how to use them

    by the way i am planning to make a webpage that has hyperlinks to more

    webpage, but the template seems just have the cover page, can the style

    of cover page be extended to my "hyperlinked" page?

    P.S. I am not computer expert please use simple text to me, thank you

    everyone in advanced!
  2. sunnee

    sunnee New Member

    enjoy the site

    welcome and hello!
  3. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Take a few hours out of your life to learn some programming. A good place to start is www.w3schools.com you will then have an idea how to use the templates you downloaded.
  4. kenny1999

    kenny1999 New Member

    helllo , actually I have some basic knowledge of html when i WAs in school, i know how to make font ,tables, frames, hyperlink etc by html ,but not much knowledge with style sheet and those sort of things, which part of that site should I start with style sheet?? I need quick solution to my site I need to run a small site thanks
  5. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Ok, first you said you had know idea how to use the template and now you know some basic programming. :confused:
    Read https://freewebsitetemplates.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5694 it should help.

    Leave the style.css file alone... just work on what you know.
    Edit the menu section in the index.html file to reflect your pages with hyperlinks and save the file as the index.html.
    Now with the index.html open save it with the name of one of your new menu sections, example save as about.html or whatever name you have.
    Edit the about.html file with all the content you want to show and save the file.
    Do this for every hyperlink page you created in the index.html menu section.
    A "template" is something that establishes or serves as a pattern. So all your pages have the same look and feel. You can change or add to your template but that would be for an advance class. This should provide you with a "quick solution".