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General Search for a special kind of template

Discussion in 'General' started by mediafritzeritze, Jul 13, 2008.

  1. mediafritzeritze

    mediafritzeritze New Member

    iam form germany. I search for a free (web) template. It is fpr my website. But it ist not so easy to find the right.

    My website is over a village in "Sachsen Anhalt". This village is old and has a long interesting history. So the template must be look a little bit older. I dont want a template with al lot of fresh paints.

    I hope you can help my and iam sorry about my bad english:(

  2. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

  3. Radamel

    Radamel New Member

    I checked the last link.
    There are many great templates there.
    I need a travel related one but I've found a good one for my photo gallery site.