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General Creating a forum

Discussion in 'General' started by chimpy, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. chimpy

    chimpy Banned

    There a free forums, and there are paid forums.

    The best forum out is vbulliten it cost quite a bit though. Phpbb will do most things but not all of vbulliten.

    To download phpbb you can go to phpBB • Creating Communities Worldwide and click download. There is a installation guide etc If you get stuck ask on phpbbs forums for support.

    :) Sorrry I can't put more but its all in the package.
  2. sid0972

    sid0972 New Member

    i want to know about forums, like this one for instance, how many people are there who sell this software, like phpBB or vBulletin,
    and what it takes to buy them

    also, can they be created manually, like ,our own forum?
    how do we create a forum

    also, if we buy a forum, do we need to have a domain already or they provide us with the domain?
    please give me some links or the info for these questions
  3. chimpy

    chimpy Banned

    1) Phpbb is free, Vbulletin is around $190 per site, you can buy off people(beware of scams) or buy from the vbulletin website.
    2) Forums can be created from scratch but it's not easy what so ever, you need to be a very knowledgeable coder.
    3)You are not supplies with a domain, you can buy your own for around $10 or less per year, or get a free sub domain or free tld. such as(.tk. .cc.cz )
    Free forums are for people that want a small site, paid forums(vbulletin) are more beneficial for bigger websites/
  4. sid0972

    sid0972 New Member

    what do i have to do once i buy vbulletin
    what privileges do i get?

    also, please give me a link to any site where i can make a free website, just for testing, preferably a forum background, like phpBB
    just want to try how to create a forum
    any links?
    also, please explain all the terms to me, like eye candy, graphics, CSS, and all others mentioned in this forum page
  5. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    I'm not sure there are any places that just let you make free websites (That you can use PHPbb on). There's places like freeforum, proboards etc. but you have to use their system.
  6. chimpy

    chimpy Banned

    Vbulletin can be downloaded here, you have many advantages, such as being able to download many themes, mods etc
    Basically, you have access to all of Vbulletin forum (click here). I'm not going to list all the benefits here but there should be a list somewhere on the forum.

    You can go to http://phpbb.com and download a Phpbb forum, than go to a place like www.000webhost.com and sign up for a free package, they have enough Bandwidth [/B]to suit a newly started website, simply follow the instructions inside the file you downloaded and it should be complete. I can offer you a free account on my server if you want.

    You don't need a common knowledge of coding to setup a forum.
    You can use this freeonlinedictionary (click here) that should give you some more information on those words..
  7. sid0972

    sid0972 New Member

    thank u very much for all this info

    now i need help on one more issue

    how do u earn money once u have created ur own forum
    and how,if not a forum and just a simple website?

    i know about clicks and all but dont have exact and deep knowledge
  8. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Hyperlink fail :)
  9. sid0972

    sid0972 New Member

    i googled it, so no harm done

    and chimpy, i;d like to have an account on ur server'
  10. PokerBuddiez

    PokerBuddiez New Member

    Would to love one day to run vb with there lastest cms..but for now am usein yabb software..petty easy to get up and runnin.and the server dont have to run any db or php..as the software runs in flat file and writen in perl..this is ok for smaller websites but if i was to get bigger the i would run an forum with an db backend.
  11. sid0972

    sid0972 New Member

    m sorry but i didnt get much out of it...n a total noob at this, can u please elaborate
  12. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Just for you, a rundown of what has been said so far:

    And because that isn't helpful in the slightest (Makes you wonder why it was even said in the first place), I'll go into it in more detail:

    1. Buy a domain
    There are many domain registration sites you can use. I use 123-reg.co.uk.

    2. Rent/Buy a webserver or individual hosting.
    If you don't know what you're doing, or are just running a small site, go with individual hosting. It's usualy around £/$4 a month, everything will usualy be set up for you and usualy they offer support for installing things such as forum or CMS software.

    If you are confident at what you are doing, or running a large site (Or multiple sites), you should probably look into purchasing/renting a webserver. There are many sites to choose from if you plan on renting one, I use HostGator. I shouldn't need to explain anything for this, as if you choose this option you should know what you are doing already (Or be a quick and able learner that can use the internet efficiently).

    3. Forum software
    I would say there are 3 main choices. Those being:

    Simple Machines Forum. Free. Probably the easiest to use. Nice admin/mod CP, easy installation. Gives you everything you need + there are many free CMS's to choose from. Many, many themes and mods for pretty much anything you'll need.

    Free. A little less noob-friendly than SMF, but if you take the time to get used to it, you'll find there are many more features and controls. A more advanced Admin/Mod CP, relatively easy installation. There are a few free CMS's, but they are harder to find and also less desirable than SMF's. Again, many, many themes and mods to sift through.

    Expensive. You have to purchase a lisence for vB and it's pretty costly. It doesn't stop at a lisence though. It's an extra $80 just for support. Again, it doesn't stop there. vB is curretnly in v4, so if you purchase a lisence now, on v4, you will have to purchase a new lisence to be able to use v5 (You can still use v4, but you'll miss out on all that v5 goodness).

    It doesn't sound great from that, but if you have the money, USE VB! It is better in every single aspect. Amazing Admin/Mod CP. Millions of themes and mods. Very easy to customize. I won't bother listing everything that's better, I will simply say, everything is better ^_^

    4. Uploading/Installing and setting up your forum
    Talk to you host/server provider if you have problems uploading/installing your forum. I'm sure there are many tutorials, help forums etc. with info on how to do it, so use them. SMF/PHPbb/vB should have help on their respective sites. Play around with the CP (Control Panel) before even trying to set your forum up. Experiment with what things do. It really isn't unusual to spend even a month just playing around and getting used to the software. It shouldn't be hard to find tutorials on using the CP and building a forum.

    It really shouldn't be hard to find all the info you need jsut by googling it. I don't mind helping you if you have a specific problem and can't find anything to help you, but I'm gonna end this post here.

  13. sid0972

    sid0972 New Member

    thnx TRILLION for ur help, and just one more question, how do we earn once we have uploaded the forum?
    do i need to have ads, or simple clicks without the advertisements wud do?
  14. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    You can sign up for ad programs like Google AdSense and generate revenue. There are quite a few different ad schemes, Google being the most common. You get a certain amount either; Per click or Per view. You can also offer advertisement space to individual people, who can pay a certain amount a month to have their banner on your site, the more unique visitors you ahve per day, the more you can charge people.

    Most CMS's provide a set space just for ads, but you can add them were ever you want, if you know how.
  15. sid0972

    sid0972 New Member

    what is per view?

    also, is it possible that i register myself on a site that provides free web page on my name(with its name also, of course) try uploading a forum on that, just for trial, and see how it works

    and, once i buy my own space , how do i upload a forum????
  16. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Per view is with each unique IP adress that views the advert.

    I doubt it, but you might be able to find a demo user on their respective sites, not sure on that one though.

    Download the forum software, extract it to your computer, upload the files to a /forum directory. Follow installation instruction provided in the download or on the respective site.
  17. discussourfuture

    discussourfuture New Member

    I fully agree on this one. You can find a lot of nice forum templates for PHPbb and if they suit what you are looking for it's very easy. For the rest it's just like making a website; the more personalized you want it and the more you want to do yourself, the more you will have to learn at least the basics of HTML and CSS.

    But, as with many things, there are always some good and kind people on this forum to help you out :)

    GRIFFITH New Member

    1. Step 1: Set up Word for creating forms. Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Word Options. ...
    2. Step 2: Open a template or a document on which to base the form. ...
    3. Step 3: Add content controls to the form. ...
    4. Step 4: Set or change properties for content controls. ...
    5. Step 5: Add instructional text to the form.
  19. nidhivyas

    nidhivyas Member

    Forum posting is off page optimization techniques.
    Create your account into forum site.
    Create your profile in forum site.
    Select your category and question or answer reply in forum site.
    Forum posting is important for link building your site.
  20. tuanpeto

    tuanpeto New Member

    For free forum i think you go site.google or wp, for paid forum easy to make with wp and phpbb