Hmm I loooked around a little but could not find anything.. still I would be very careful
I have not seen these ones around but I would be careful.. I myself have been tricked into buying templates then later realising they were just...
A thanks for trying anyway would of been nice..
What do you mean errors? Can you show us? Good chance its something easy to fix.
Hey Momo and welcome :)
Web Hosting Services, Reseller Hosting, and Dedicated Servers by HostGator Thought the site looked familiar..
Oh the joys of spam..
Check in your css file for the body section. You should see the image be loaded in there. Will look something like this Just change the file...
Open up style.css and edit the following to this Site should now be centered
The style sheet is seperate from the the template so you should just be able to style your menu from that and it will effect all of your pages....
I like this site, its a good example of what can be done if you put alot of effort into the site and learning some of the tricks of the trade....
Simple php contact forms always come in handy
Separate names with a comma.