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General New to all this

Discussion in 'General' started by dragone2717, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. dragone2717

    dragone2717 New Member

    I was wondering if Somene can help me out. I'm new to all this and I'm looking for a template to start my website. I really liked the clothes collection template and need to know what it is I need to edit it with my pictures. I'd like to change the text, color and pictures. I just got photoshop cs3 and learning that as well.
    Can someone please help
  2. Sakari

    Sakari New Member

    help for you

    Hi dragon

    You are new and looking for templates, then dude you are in right place.
    First we have templates and Second these all are freeeeeeeeeeeee.
    Take a look of following sites and enjoy buddy.