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General Why the links are working differently

Discussion in 'General' started by Mauritius, Mar 22, 2006.

  1. Mauritius

    Mauritius New Member

    My web site where i am using the template is www.christophebastiensylva.com
    I downloaded the memorial template, to make a web site on my son who died accidently on 28th February 2006.
    I used dreamweaver8, put all the files in my ftp and i got the template online in the abovementioned site.
    Then problem is that when i clicked on the links, i get directed to the www.freewebsitetemplates.com instead to the page that the link refers.
    I registered myself successfully today as a new user under Mauritius
  2. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Did you edit the links?
    If you did make sure you have uploaded the new files or make sure you overwrite the old files.
  3. Mauritius

    Mauritius New Member

    No i have not edited the links
    You mean to say i go in my dreamweaver 8
    then i load the index file
    and precisely i do what ?
    by editing the links, i replace by what kind of page ?
    i am almost lost
    Thank You