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General what program/editor to use to code?

Discussion in 'General' started by CobraKai, Sep 28, 2005.

  1. CobraKai

    CobraKai New Member

    hi all,

    i recently discovered this site and, i have to say, i am very impressed by the quality of work that goes into every template. the owners of this site have done a fantastic job...just had to get that out of the way :)

    my question is: what are the best editors to use for website design? obviously, this is opinion-based but i would like to know what people recommend; maybe have a pick for a free editor (nvu?) and a pick for a non-free editor (dreamweaver?).

    thanks for the help!

    edit: oops, just noticed but this should have been in the 'General Chat' forum
  2. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Welcome CobraKai,

    Glad to hear you like the templates.

    On a professional level Dreamwaever is the standard and best editor for coding websites.
    But if you're just editing a website rarely and don't uses it on a professional level then a free editor like NVU will be good too.
  3. Connor

    Connor Moderator / Programmer


    Well CobraKai, when I was a HTML / CSS beginer I alwaysed (sp) used Sothinnk HTML Editor, its free so thats really the biggest reason. When I got good at it I started using Dreamweaver or just plain Notepad and WordPad.
