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Graphics Theme park new website banner needed asap.

Discussion in 'Free Graphics' started by Cruiseshipfan, Feb 5, 2010.

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  1. Cruiseshipfan

    Cruiseshipfan New Member

    I have just created my site and i really need a banner for the site.

    I need it to look good here: //cruiseshipfan.webs.com/

  2. Cruiseshipfan

    Cruiseshipfan New Member

    sorry here is the link Theme Park Central - Home
  3. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Cruiseshipfan -
    Most people when they request a logo or a graphic give some idea of what they want it to look like, size, colors, etc. They supply graphics, font style, etc.
    So I guess you just need something and never thought about it.
    Here is a small version melding the old with the new and a zip file with a larger version plus a graphic as to how it would look with your site.
    An of course the infamous clown for those who hate clowns.

    Try to be active in the community by giving back some how - that is how we exist here.

    Attached Files:

  4. Cruiseshipfan

    Cruiseshipfan New Member

    There great but i need something more modern style and not with a scary feel.
  5. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    I'm brain dead.
    The one on your site looks good - stick with it, it's more modern.
    Got to have some other opinions here - do the graphics in the zip file look scary?
    I mean come considering Nothing was or has been given to work with.
    I say it melds the old world with the new what do the other members think?
  6. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Dave -
    Considering you had absolutely ZILCH input from csf, you've done a great job.

    Yet look at that first pic on your site. Looks like a psychotic Thomas the tank engine!
    IMO, your site is already overly graphic with all that background detail.
    A clean text header is all that is needed.
    Being that it's a 'freewebs' site, I seem to recall they don't give much choice in text styles.
  7. Cruiseshipfan

    Cruiseshipfan New Member

    sorry if it sounded rude ishkey. It was a great logo and i know you tried your best. Thanks and i will stay with out the big logo.
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