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General some of the templates made

Discussion in 'General' started by SeADoG, Feb 23, 2007.

  1. SeADoG

    SeADoG New Member

  2. Connor

    Connor Moderator / Programmer

    Which templates are you accusing us of ripping. As far as I can tell none of the templates avalible for download from Free Website Templates look anything like the template shots that you provided... Also, we need a link of the template on their site, like a preview... not of it downloaded on your computer.
  3. SeADoG

    SeADoG New Member

  4. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    This template is not made by me or any of our FWT staff members but by a member who joined the forum. The forum is open to anyone to join.

    The problem looks like Masta didn't give any credits to clantemplates.com for using their template to help out another member.

    If you see anything like this in the futher please post it in the thread to let others know about it.

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
  5. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    We cant exactly keep track of every template people post on the forum and know if they were taken from other sites..
  6. SeADoG

    SeADoG New Member

    ok thats cool. you guys shouldnt allow anyone else to do request anyway.. unless they are on your graphix team
  7. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    That thread and design was done sometime last year...so it is possible that the person who posted it...Masta...submitted it to the other site as well. I could be wrong, but it is possible.
  8. SeADoG

    SeADoG New Member

    yea i ve looked through their directory 100s of times now it aint there. thats why i was acusing them of ripping.
  9. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    Oh, I see...