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General site not working in some browsers

Discussion in 'General' started by femtastic, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. femtastic

    femtastic New Member

    Hi all,

    I am new to coding and just recently downloaded the free charity website theme. I tweeked the html and css. The site works the way that I want it to in internet explorer 9 and the latest version of firefox but in other versions of IE and firefox the site is not working properly. I would really appreciate it if anyone has any time to give me any ideas for what might be wrong. The site is languageobjectives . com. For some reason the header isn't showing up, and in some cases it's left centered instead of being centered in the middle. I'm so frustrated!!! Thanks much!
  2. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

  3. guavasofts

    guavasofts New Member

    Yes ..This is due to you have not use proper opening and closing tag of the Css or Html.
    Just Choose the proper syntax in div and table then you will definately set your website in all browsers.
    It will run fine in all browsers.
  4. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    Do a Google search for "language objectives"
    Where does your site show up ??
    <title>Language Objectives</title>
    You are allowed 66 characters (including spaces) in the title
    You have 19, add some more information using good keywords
    Check what others are doing (your competition) then use good (or better keywords)
    Example from Google listings:

    Elementary Content and Language Objectives: Examples (52 characters - including spaces)
  5. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    Your Title:
    <title>Language Objectives</title> [19 characters]
    Google allows 66 characters (including spaces)

    Your Description:
    <meta name="description" content="The number one online resource
    for teaching language objectives."> [64 characters]
    Google allows 150 characters (including spaces)
    Other similar sites Title and Description:
    <title>Language Objectives - digitalsandbox</title>

    <meta property='og:description' content='Language Objectives
    are the HOW of the lesson and articulates what students will be
    doing within the lesson in terms of reading, writing, listening,
    speaking and thinking. Like content objectives,...' />
    <title>What Are Language Objectives?</title>

    <meta name="description" content="Resources, strategies, tips
    and lesson plans for teaching language language objectives.">
    <title>English Language Learners In the Mainstream Classroom:
    Teaching With Language Objectives (Andrea Hellman) -
    Academia.edu</title> (title a little long)

    <meta name="description" content="The first step to
    differentiating instruction for English language learners
    (ELLs) in content classes involves identifying language
    objectives that directly serve the lesson’s content objectives.
    This workshop will help participants develop language ">
    hope this helps
    kathygreen likes this.