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General Search

Discussion in 'General' started by rahulg007, Mar 19, 2011.

  1. rahulg007

    rahulg007 New Member

    Hi i am using cloth faishion template
    i want to use it search option
    on the top pls tell me how to edit to make it wrk for me
    i dnt hav ny knwlegde abt web design i m new to it
    infact i m using trillian to edit the template
  2. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    since you have posted, sent me a pm and email with a little more info (not much more)
    I'll get you started in the right direction but suggest you learn how to code first as you are going to need it.

    here is the code for the that part, scroll until you see the red highlight.
    <div class="black-box">
    <h2><em>Women</em> collection</h2>
    <p><img src="images/pic_2.jpg" width="120" height="105" alt="Pic 2" /></p>
    <p>If you're looking for beautiful and professionally made templates you can find them at <a href="[COLOR="Red"]http://www.templatebeauty.com[/COLOR]">[COLOR="Red"]Template Beauty[/COLOR]</a>.</p>
    Change that red to the page you want to send it to. example.,
    <a href="[COLOR="#ff0000"]yournewpage.html[/COLOR]">[COLOR="Red"]your new page name[/COLOR]</a>
  3. rahulg007

    rahulg007 New Member

    thnx bro but i want help in this area
    <DIV id=uppers>
    <FORM action=http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com>
    <SELECT name=gender><OPTION selected value=w>woman</OPTION><OPTION value=w>man</OPTION></SELECT>
    <INPUT id=q value="Enter product code" name=q> <INPUT id=s src="images/btn_header.gif" type=image name=s>
    <DIV id=nav-top>
  4. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    what have you tried so far?
  5. bobwarner01

    bobwarner01 Banned

    Another thing that you can try out.Just search the template on templatemonster dot com that you want to adopt.You got many categorizes under it.After searching you can get the exact idea what you want.If you really like design you can also buy it.