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Ready (Request) Logo for my Organization

Discussion in 'Archived' started by kanakdbz, Jun 13, 2014.

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  1. Sean

    Sean Active Member

    ok will do a white backgraound for this
    kanakdbz likes this.
  2. Sean

    Sean Active Member

    as you requested logos on white back ground, a note. since some of the fonts are white i need to tweak the colors so they would be readable on a white background.
    Thank you

    soul wish whit bg.jpg
    ishkey, Lea and kanakdbz like this.
  3. kanakdbz

    kanakdbz New Member

    Thanks! They look cool :)
  4. Lea

    Lea Illustrator

    Hi @kanakdbz :) Sorry for waiting. As promised, here are my sketch and designs. Hope you like it!

    Photo on 6-24-14 at 2.04 PM copy.jpg



    1970Forest, Ian, Sean and 2 others like this.
  5. kanakdbz

    kanakdbz New Member

    @Lea Thank you! They look great and matched with the theme really well. You really put a lot of thought into it :)
    Lea likes this.
  6. Michael

    Michael Active Member

    Hello @kanakdbz! Here are my studies. Cheers!:)

    Study 1.jpg Study 2.jpg Study 3.jpg Study 4.jpg Study 5.jpg
    Ian, kanakdbz and Sean like this.
  7. Chad

    Chad Active Member

    @kanakdbz Here is my study. Built around the idea of a "community" with individuals "wishing" for a"brighter (better)" future.

    If you look closely, the symbol I used for the people looks like an "S". They are already intertwined to signify their unanimous wish, which is a "better future", while the whole logomark takes on the form of a star, signifying another message of a "wish".

    Green is used as a complimentary color to accent the vision of the project of it's eco-friendly aspects.

    Let me know what you think.

    image2.jpeg 010-Soulwish.jpg
    Marco, Ian, kanakdbz and 2 others like this.
  8. kanakdbz

    kanakdbz New Member

    Nice @Michael and @Chad !
    Time to take my decision and as expected I'm having hard time to decide :LOL:
    I think I will make a poll to some of my relatives to see which one they like and decide.
    I am really thankful to all of you for your time and efforts and you will be glad to know that your works are powerful enough to make people like me really happy :)
    Please accept my heartiest appreciation! (y)
    Michael and Lea like this.
  9. Ian

    Ian Vector Enthusiast

    here's mine...

    Photo on 6-25-14 at 10.42 AM.jpg
    soul wish studies.jpg
    Lea and kanakdbz like this.
  10. kanakdbz

    kanakdbz New Member

  11. kanakdbz

    kanakdbz New Member

    Hi everyone! I have created the poll and I have got the result! It seems Archel's first design won! Congratulation :)
    I liked all the submissions though!
    @Archel May I request the files for your First Design of Soul Wish logo?
    Again I am very thankful to all of your contributions. So in respect to your contribution I have added your names with profile link and your works in my website. Please check it out at: http://soulwish.weebly.com/contributions.html :)
    Michael and Lea like this.
  12. Archel

    Archel Active Member

    @kanakdbz Thanks you for choosing my design. I will send you the final files once its ready.
  13. Archel

    Archel Active Member

    @kanakdbz Here are the files you needed.

    Attached Files:

    kanakdbz likes this.
  14. Sean

    Sean Active Member

    Archel likes this.
  15. Archel

    Archel Active Member

  16. Lea

    Lea Illustrator

    Archel likes this.
  17. Michael

    Michael Active Member

    Archel likes this.
  18. kanakdbz

    kanakdbz New Member

    Thanks @Archel :)
    Archel likes this.
  19. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Great design Archel!!!!!
    Archel likes this.
  20. Rico

    Rico Active Member

    Archel likes this.
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