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General Recommended page design program ??

Discussion in 'General' started by tygrr69, Feb 20, 2008.

  1. tygrr69

    tygrr69 New Member

    Some basics: I learned to program back in college, on an IBM 360, with punch cards, using PL1 and COBOL; and have not written a single line of code since.*

    Now I am trying to learn this stuff. I have found several templates that I like and intend to modify them until I get what I want; ie: page that includes rollovers(?), and pics that enlarge when you put cursor on them (flash?). I have purchased a domain, and basic hosting on "1and1". Their included page designer seems too limited to do what I want. I have downloaded "Amaya" and "PSPad editor"; I suspect that PSP is slightly more versitile, but totally beyond me. Amaya even seems beyond my current capabilities. Is there a web better (easier for newbie) editor ( I normally use Firefox, but also have IE and Opera if necessary )that you can recommend, and is there an on-line (free) course to take me far enough along so that I can at least ask some intelligent questions here? Even more important, understand the answers.

    *And, no my first can was NOT a Model T, it was a 1960 Pontiac Catalina 4 door coupe (that I wish I still had, I could do my own work on it) ;-}. Thanks in advance for any answers and the effort that went into them.

  2. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Look under Free Services for post
    [​IMG] Free HTML editor with unique features.......

    I use pspad due to it's power, keep it so you can right click and load a file fast it does come in handy. If Amaya is to much, start with the above. With all that you plan to do, you will migrate to something with more power. I would suggest that when coding you lean toward IE6. Since 76% of other viewers in the world us IE your pages will display for both, they way you intend them to. Maybe MS will get on the standards like all the other browsers. I know I am going to get flack about browser wars and which is better, but percents don't lie.

    School - start with w3schools.com basic to advance. To the point a quick read.

    Good luck with 1and1, I found them abit distastful for me. I like all the bells and whistles and not made to select which level I want.
    What no assembly, fortan, basic. No commodore 64 no corvair, OOOPs now I'm looking old.
  3. tygrr69

    tygrr69 New Member

    Ishkey, Thank you so much for your quick help and advice. I have just D/L'ed Alleycode and will give it a try. I am now on the w3schools site, seems to be exactly what I need.
    If not 1&1 (their prices were cheap), Do you have a recommended server? (is host, correct?). My only real problem with IE is that because of its popularity, every virus that comes out is first written to attack it. But I was intending to check my results on all three browsers before releasing it.

    I was worried that I might be the only 50+ person here, assembly was only for true geeks, fortran useless for me, basic was too "wordy", Commodore was GREAT little machine, I remember first trying "trash" 80, I remember combining Dale's Corvair, My "bug", Mike's old 'glass body; couldn't keep the front wheels on the ground, which was our undoing...old trees are stronger than crazy vehicles ;-0}.
  4. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Sorry so late gettig bsck to you but dsl has been down for days. New lines going in.
    Your Host has servers which your web resides on, it's like having a second home with an address attached to it so everyone can find you. IE and all of MS products are always attacked due to the fact they are the most used out there. Your server is very secure nomatter who you use. But you can make your files more secure with " .htaccass " file no quotes and with chmod which is a Unix command that lets you tell the system how much (or little) access it should permit to a file.

    As far as hosts go I like Hostmonster and like if you sign up go threw my web site and click on their ad. And Lunapages both are very cheap and both use cpanel which allows you to install just about anything. Both have the idea that it's your space so do what you want and not nickle and dime you like the phone companies. Why do you have to pick you server win or apache, of course if you want asp.net v3.5 then go to discountasp.net (all microsoft programming). Why do have to pick small med large, biz non biz. Why not use your sapce like you would your on pc. Hell just get an old pc add some ram turn it into a server. Na don't do that, that's to much to explain.

    If writing for webs just look at the templates here they run on all browsers. Just write for the W3C standards but remember IE even v7 still does not conform to all the standards and have some of their own. For the most part your web should be viewable to all.
    Take slow and you will get it. Add one item at a time, that way over time the search engines will rank you higher and people will come back more offten for the fresh look and content.

    Good luck - talk to you later. man I think my fingers are starting to hurt.