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RECIDIVIST - Reaches 200 Milestone

Discussion in 'General' started by ishkey, Jun 14, 2010.

  1. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member


    200 quality, helpful posts and counting.
    Way To Go.
    Lots of people have benefited from your knowledge, assistance and have shown their appreciation through the posts back to you.
    Your spirit has touched many.

    Attached Files:

    • 200.jpg
      File size:
      46.1 KB
  2. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Whoop whoop. Thank you Ishkey :D!

    I shall cherish the certificate for ever :D
  3. GG

    GG Active Member


    Your work has been very helpful also with the dedication of helping others during your exams. Hope they went well.

    Well Done! ;)
  4. gnoble

    gnoble New Member

    Congratulations! Keep up the good work!
  5. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Wow! 200 posts.
    Well done Recidivist! Looking forward to seeing your next 300. :p

    Cheers mate
  6. islabucasgrande

    islabucasgrande New Member

    wow... and recent count now reaches over 2k...