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General Question about Dreamweaver ultradev

Discussion in 'General' started by stparvez, Aug 11, 2005.

  1. stparvez

    stparvez New Member

    Quistion about DreamWeaver Ultradev
    All the templates in this site are flash templates and i want to create my website in flash too. But to edit this templates i dont have DreamWeaver, I have DreamWeaver Ultradev, thats looks like great, but my quistion is is it the right aplication to edit flash templates, cause some of the templates i downloaded are not showing properly when i am opening them by ultradev. I will be greatfull if i can get the correct information.
  2. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    That's because we use CSS to style the website and Dreamwearver ultradev when in wysiwyg mode doesn't know good how to show the design.
    The only version of dreamweaver that will show the CSS good in design mode is the latest version Dreamweaver 8.

    But you can still edit the template in code mode just select the text you want to edit and replace it.
    If you want to change the color and style open the style.css file and edit the values.

    And all our templates are made in XHTML/CSS and not in flash.

    You can edit any template without buying dreamweaver you can using a free HTML editor like Nvu.
    But unlike our templates the free editor can't beat dreamweaver 8 if you're a professional.