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Post locking suggestion

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by gnoble, Jun 14, 2010.

  1. gnoble

    gnoble New Member

    I originally posted this in a thread in the Request Logo Customization section but I decided to start a new thread for it in its proper place in the forum.

    The original post is here at the bottom of the page. It goes along with a good example of what I am trying to explain here.

    I have a suggestion.

    I think moderators should start locking some of the very old posts, if the request has been fulfilled. This would help all the designers and people browsing the site because posts would be more relevant and stay more current.

    If someone wishes to request a logo that is similar to an old request, I think a new post should be made with reference to the old post instead of bumping the old posts to the top of the section.

    I also think that if posts are to be locked this policy should only be used on old posts and not newer ones (within past 6 months or so). This is because even though a request has been fulfilled sometimes people post their renditions of the request for practice or to see what peoples comments are on it.

    Just a thought. Let me know what you all think. Especially the moderators opinions.
  2. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Good suggestion Gnoble.
    I used to 'lock' most threads after a member's request had been delivered, not only to prevent further request add-ons but also to keep down the constant spam posts.
    There have been times where an original requestee have come back weeks or months after their request is filled only to find their thread locked. No problems though, they simply began a completely new thread.

    Gnoble and our other regular members helping out here, when you've completed a request, just add "Close thread' on your final post and the mods will lock it for you.

  3. GG

    GG Active Member

    Yeah it's a good idea but also I don't quite get why people don't read it and see that it is already been completed unless the user creates the same post somewhere else.

    I am part of another business forum for UK and on there at the bottom it shows similar posts. For example, if someone asked a question about the new iPhone then at the bottom about 5 posts that are related to it will be listed so that would even save time for members posting another repeat thread but that wouldn't work on here because people are requesting for themselves but it would work if we had a advice section.

    But if any of that made sense then I think admin is in charge for doing that. But Gnoble's idea is good. I agree with it :)