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Services Portrait Window Envelopes

Discussion in 'General' started by ShaynaT, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. ShaynaT

    ShaynaT New Member

    Hi everyone! I am trying to find a website I can order window envelopes for portrait photos. I am wanting to be able to customize them as well with my photography name on the envelopes. Please let me know where I can find a site to do so.

    Thank you!!

    Shayna :)
  2. mikebell

    mikebell Banned

    Online searching is the best way to find out good companies, you can choose the good one.
  3. GG

    GG Active Member

    Sooo you've come here after making searches on search engines and researched on net for local companies and possibly asking businesses whether they would do that for you and you have yet not a single reply and idea of where to print?
  4. ShaynaT

    ShaynaT New Member

    Wow...I don't know if I catch the sarcasm or not in either post....
    Yes, I have searched, no I haven't asked companies, no I haven't found anything reasonable. That's why I came to somewhere I could "ask for help" from other people thinking maybe someone could help me out here. Thanks!
  5. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

  6. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    No - definitely not sarcasm, more like good responses and a tad mystified, if you look at your first post.
    Most people who login to forums usually have done some sort of internet search first, post their findings and elaborate on a more definitive question, plus people look at you have been here awhile (29 posts), so you are more knowledgeable than others.
    You then gave more info in your post #4, if that had been given in the first post, it would have resulted in 2 different responses in post #2 and #3.

    But Recidivist posted up an excellent link which should allow you and others who's interest has been sparked, to do a little more research as to what is out there, what to ask/look for and pricing. I'm sure what ever you find out the other photographers would be interested in knowing.