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Websites Please review my site

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by techwave, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. techwave

    techwave New Member

    Hey everyone, would like if you can provide a review of my site:
    http://www.techwavesolution.com I have no html experience what so ever accept for stuff I have picked up here or there. I don't want to hear "oh it's too basic" or "it's bland" I would actually like some real feedback as what I can do to improve it. Just remember that I have no experience in html, css, js, xml, dhtml, ect...I don't perfer to use templates as I have not found any that I really like and I don't want to pay someone for there templates.

    So let me know what you think and please provide valuable feedback


  2. eVentureBiz

    eVentureBiz New Member

    Hello techwave.

    I really hope you take this in a constructive way, but I think the first area you need to work on as an entrepreneur is your communication skills. I know this doesn't have much to do with your website, but I've learned a few things over the years as an entrepreneur and again I hope you take this constructively. Keep in mind we are in a service business and we communicate primarily through emotionless 0's and 1's.

    So when you say, I don't want to hear "oh it's too basic" or "it's bland" I would actually like some real feedback as what I can do to improve it, you should consider the tone in which you are communicating.

    Remember, you are asking for help, not demanding it.

    I think a classier way to ask for people's help (and most definitely customer relations approach) is to take a slightly different approach.

    "I know my site is a bit basic and it may be a bit bland - noted. But what feedback can you give to help me improve my website?"

    Just a thought and again I hope I'm just making you think and it's taken constructively.

    About Your Site:

    It's obvious you already know it's a bit too basic, so let's go from there. I think if this truly is a business and you don't know html very well, don't even try. Go spend about $300 - $500 on having someone create a nice website for you and get it done right.

    Remember, this is an investment you will recoup. I flip houses on the side and it's kind of like saying, "I don't really have the money to redo the outdated kitchen so I'll leave it, however, I'm still expecting to make a lot of money off the sale of the house." Kitchens, however, have excellent returns on your money . . . so does a nicely crafted website.

    So my first advice to you is to pull out the credit card and have it done right. The price is 100% tax deductible.

    What you could do to improve, however, is first make sure people know immediately who this site is for and what they will find here. I see from the title, "
    Techwave Solution - IT Consultant and Technical Support" that it's some kind of technical support site, but support for what? (note that "Technical" is spelled wrong in your title).

    A good tagline (slogan) could help. "The mobile computer repair shop!" or something. Also, inside your text area, use a couple headers (using the h1 and h2 tags) so people can quickly scan your content and see what's here. People like to scan, so give them what they want, and those headers are a great way to quickly tell people about your site without having to read content.

    Another area you might want to visit is your horizontal menu. People look at your menu before they read your content. If you can find a way to include some key terms about what your site is about as the menu links could help. If you have too many links to give, consider removing the "What Customers Say" on the left and place some valuable links in that left highly visible real estate area on your website.

    That left side bar would be a great area to list out some of your sevices. It would be best if they could be links to more information with each page ending with a way to contact you.
  3. emilypal

    emilypal New Member

    The picture in Our services page seems to be wider than in should be so it doesn’t look as well as it could.
    As far as I understand the only way to get back to the homepage or any other page having visited Support page is clicking Back button. It would be better if Support page also has the links leading to other pages.
    You don’t want to hear general words but still I liked the structure of your site because it’s clear and it’s important to get lost on your site.
  4. techwave

    techwave New Member

    Thank you for the replies. that is not what I was getting across about being demanding...I was looking for the other reviews of other peoples sites here and noticed a lot of comments about "it's bland" 'it's ok" ect... I was just trying to ask for a more in depth comment of the site. I have fixed that mistake that you mentioned John.

    One question though. when I look at it in IE, it's only the home page where the text is not aligned right. But when view in FF or Opera it is. Any thoughts or idea's on that?

    Thanks again for the comments so far. look forward to hearing more.
  5. eVentureBiz

    eVentureBiz New Member

    Ah yes, the multi-browser problem. I hate that.

    Try going to your custom.css file and look for this line:

    .sohotext {

    Play with the padding numbers a little (decrease them).
    That's where I'd start.
  6. techwave

    techwave New Member

    Hey everyone,

    I have since gone though and made some changed to my site. http://www.techwavesolution.com/

    I have added more images, I have created descriptions for services (some not all but I am working on that [​IMG] ) I have also used the left side space as well. The only page right now that doesn't have it done too is the partners. Trying to decide what to put in there.

    I have also updated all my meta tags as for some reason they were not showing for me, but they are now. I have also redone the "Contact Us" page and removed that larger contact form and used a more simple one. Provided address, phone number and various emails too.

    If you can take a look at the site and let me know again what you think....What I can still do to improve, any mistakes you might see (more eyes are better then two) Thanks and hope to hear some more of your comments.