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Websites Please review my site Restaurant & Pizzeria Anna-Villa

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by grafixdream, Apr 1, 2010.

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  1. CampelloChris

    CampelloChris New Member

    Pizza Restaurant

    I think you need to consider the colours of the site, and maybe the list format of your very substantial menu could be better presented. The website functions well and it looks beautiful. If I´m ever in Slovakia...

    Look for a slideshow module and have some professional photos taken of your food. People will be queuing at the door!
  2. jalsal

    jalsal New Member

    I think the website looks simple but by no means is that a bad thing.

    Personally my only issue is that I have to scroll to read the menu (quite picky but I'm lazy like that.)

    Would be nice to read the menu in some kind of .pdf format with a nice layout. Another thing would be to integrate your gallery in to the website.
  3. 31jim83

    31jim83 New Member


    I have no expertise in web design or anything remotely connected however I do like restaurants so here goes for my review;

    I Like the main picture of the web site looks a very nice restaurant but the colour scheme of the site does nothing for me and makes it look plain and a little drab which hopefully your restaurant is not.

    The clock on the picture is very random and can't see any need or benefit to having this.

    I like the simplicity of the menus buttons however I think the actual display of the menus could be better presented perhaps with pictures or again just better nicer contrasting colours.

    You could show pictures of the food but unless these are professional pictures they can sometimes do no justice to the food in the picture so personally I would concentrate on the typeface on the menus with better spacing between each dish.

    The picture gallery looks good but maybe this could be incorporated into a slideshow on the front page at the sides maybe??

    Best thing = Pictures
    Worst Thing = Colour scheme

    As stated all just a laymans personal opinion but hope it helps.


  4. viking knives

    viking knives New Member

    I like the simplicity /ease of use of the site. I do have to agree that the color selection for the site is a bit boring. I like the pic of the restraunt, but nothing screams "I have to go try that place" to me. The translation bar is a great touch. I thing a simple tweak of the colors will really make it stand out. The left hand side may be a bit distracting to some. Maybe some pics of the food to further draw customers in? Cater to the visual folks. I wish you all the best!!
  5. Wakies

    Wakies New Member

    Hi there,

    I am not technical so will give my opinon of your site from the potential client view.

    I quite liked the simplicity of the site, and loved the photo at the top of the page but not the box on the left on the front page. Im not really sure what impression you are trying to give of the restaurant.....it looks beautiful and upmarket in the photo, but the 'cheap' looking box on the front page confused me. Is it a quality restaurant or a cheap and cheerful eatery? I didnt know if I should put my best dress on or turn up in my hiking boots!?!?! :confused:

    Colours are fine for me, maybe change to something a little brighter, but thats just personal taste.

    The menus page was a little busy, I gave up reading it, maybe a summary of the types of dishes you serve? Maybe the house specials?

    The gallery didnt do it for me (although I think it should be there) maybe fewer photos in the dark, some day time ones, party night photos, Chef tossing a pizza? And also would it work better if you could click on the photo to go to the next or a little arrow to click back and forth? I dont think you should put photos of food on the site, it never looks good, just tacky and personally I never eat in restaurants who have photos of food on boards or the menu, for me its a real no no!

    What about putting reviews under the photos or on a seperate page? As it has a translate facility Im guessing you are aiming at tourists, maybe reviews from clients from different countries?

    Hope some of this helps :D



    try using a different color i like the past reviews feels the color of the site is drab.. maybe a blue or a green also i like the menu .. clock i dont see why you will need a clock
  7. Jon Chico

    Jon Chico New Member

    I'll be honest - I actually quite like it. Some thoughts though:-

    1) The restaurant looks best at night in a lit view. I'd suggest using one of those shots as your "home" view.

    2) Also agree you need to have some photos of customers there. Alternatively you could get some friends in, sit them in a corner with some beers and take photos of them. The key thing is that you want to sell something which is social as people can get a pizza from Billa if it was just about the food.

    3) It would make sense to break the menu down, so you can click on Pizzas to find the one you want. If you want Pasta, you don't want to trawl through.

    4) Surely nothing wrong with using the logos of some of the Slovakian beers you sell? As a foreigner I wouldn't aim to eat somewhere that sold Pan European beers, but would be tempted to try somewhere local if in the vicinity if they sold decent beer.

    5) Have a look at some of the larger American chains and how they set their menu up. Those guys spend a fortune on marketing and focus group surveys. No harm in borrowing the fruits of that so long as you are not ripping off their trade marks.

    Like I said, I like it in general though and it looks like a place I would eat, but doesn't give off a lot of energy as it stands I'm afraid, and you have a lot of competition.
  8. stovecor

    stovecor New Member

    pictures look nice the only addition i would have to site is the option to translate to english it couldnt hurt, might also experiment with different colour combinatiions as the biege is a bit drab
  9. beechesfc

    beechesfc New Member

    i feel that the style of writing used was very plain and very simple,it didnt grab me at all.it felt very old while looking at it and reading only my honest opion.gd luck in your quest.beeches
  10. druby27

    druby27 New Member


    Hi there,

    Not sure how helpfull this is but I really agree with some of the previous comments. The colours could be much more inviting if changed for something more vibrant or textured. I like the main picture at the top as it does represent what you're business is about.

    I think a flash gallery would be better than directing to thumbnails in another page, I believe there are some links to free ones previously in this thread.

    I think the overall opinion is that it just needs to be a little more inviting and attractive.


  11. karlvell

    karlvell New Member

    I find the website very old fashioned and boring... Also, since it is a pizzeria i would have included soome nice shots of the pizza you serve!
  12. song

    song New Member

    I like the setting of the site. The colors compliment it well. If I could read that language i could give u more advice lol but the layout seems overall
  13. OttoTheShrimp

    OttoTheShrimp New Member

    My personal opinion is very much the same as the above posts. The colour does not seem attractive or entice your viewers in towards the page. The picture gallery and the simplicity of the site though seems to work.

    All the best in your future work.
  14. soccertrev17

    soccertrev17 New Member

    Well I couldn't understand any of the words, but I thought the colors were a bit too similar. I think a little more contrast would really help to make the page more exciting. The photos are good, but I feel that in general the site is a little too simple. I think you could add some more pictures and perhaps a more exciting background to keep people more interested.
  15. rainv99

    rainv99 New Member

    If you sell pizza you should put pictures also of the pizzas you are selling there. Also page should be in english language also for turists. Looks of the page is ok, maybe a little old fashioned.
  16. NXG50k

    NXG50k New Member

    I think the site look good, made me want to get something to eat. Best of Luck
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