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Websites Please review me

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by sunnee, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    Just some general guidelines for site review:

    site review checklist.

    How long does the site take to load? What comes up first? Are wait
    times long because of large graphics or links to external references
    like graphics off-site? Extremely long load times will often result in
    a site not being reviewed.

    Overall Presentation
    reviewers want to see what
    you have done beyond the core Themes. They are looking for use of color
    and graphics, then layout and navigation. Do the colors match or
    contrast in a way to accentuate the content and purpose of the site?
    Are they overwhelming or hard to read or easy on the eye? Are the
    navigation areas easy to find? Is the purpose of the site clearly
    visible to the eye?

    Site Architecture
    Does the site make use of CSS layout and presentation? Is it in
    tables, frames, or iframes, or other non-standard web structures? In
    general, these are considered bad design form, but they might work for
    your site and reviewers will comment on their usage, good or bad. Does
    the sidebar overlap or is too close to the content? Is the footer a
    great distance from the rest of the content. All site architecture will
    be inspected and commented on if it is either not working or looks

    Site Purpose
    While not critical to the review, visitors look for clues to the
    purpose of a site. This is often reflected in the layout and design
    elements, use of color and graphics, and clear titles and explanations.
    Reviewers will look for these elements, too.

    The Header
    The header is a very important part of a site. It provides
    immediate information about the site and its purpose. It can be done
    through the use of words, color and graphics. If the header lacks
    definitive style and information, the reviewers will let you know

    Navigation elements for a site are often found within the sidebar
    of a web page, but they may also be within the header and footer.
    Reviewers will hunt for these and look at how the information is laid
    out, and how navigation works through your site. This includes clear
    use of Pages, Categories, Archives, Calendar, and other navigational

    Use of Color and Images
    As part of the overall presentation of a site, reviewers will look
    at the use of color and images within the site. This includes the use
    of these in the header, sidebar, footer, content, and titles. It also
    includes the use of color and graphics in the background of the overall
    site and individual sections like the sidebar and header. Is the font
    readable against the graphics or photographs? Do these colors and
    images overwhelm or enhance the site?

    Fonts and Text Size
    Small fonts are one of the most complained about elements on many
    sites. Make sure fonts are readable and have enough of a color contrast
    between the background color and text color. White text on a black
    background is fine as long as the text is large enough and "thick"
    enough to be seen against the black background. Gray text on a black
    background may look good in theory, but is very hard to see. Same as
    pink on red, or green on blue. Since people tend to look at the words
    on a site from the moment of their arrival, the readability of the
    fonts counts.
    Taken from wordpress review guidelines
    WordPress Site Reviews WordPress Codex
    hope this helps
  2. sunnee

    sunnee New Member

    I have found way to create drop down menus, but I need a much longer ones than usually provided. Does anyone know of a free easy long drop down menu creator?

    L, Sunnee
  3. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    Web Design Tools
    CSS Menu Generator

    Overview. css menu maker. CSS Menu Generator is a free WYSIWYG menu generator. With this version of the tool you can generate horizontal or vertical ...
    wonderwebware.com/css-menu/ - Cached - Similar

    CSS Menu Generator is a free WYSIWYG menu generator. With this version of the tool you can generate horizontal or vertical drop-down (pull-down) menus. To generate your menu -- just add menu items, customize menu color and font settings, then just copy the CSS and XHTML menu code and paste it in your (target) webpage...

    This is what I used to replace my Javascript menus
    It works the same but is CSS (loads faster and is not normally turned off like Javascript).

    for an example of how it works, goto:
    Arithmetic Tutorials, Math, calculator, multiply, homework helper math
    I think it works great and is easy to implement both horizontal and vertical.
    Don't forget a sitemap
    here is an example of mine:
    hope this helps
  4. sunnee

    sunnee New Member

    Thank you very much! :)
  5. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    Free Stuff

    <title>Real Free Stuff For All - free shipping, outlet,
    coupons, discount</title> (Main Page)

    clicked on Free Stuff button
    <title>Real Free Stuff For All - free shipping, outlet,
    coupons, discount</title>

    clicked on home
    <title>Real Free Stuff For All - free shipping, outlet,
    coupons, discount - Home</title>

    clicked on mall
    <title>Retail Internet Stores A-Z</title>

    clicked on help

    clicked on search

    clicked on log in
    <title>Log in</title>

    clicked on register
    <head><title> - Real Free Stuff | Free Samples | Offers</title>

    according to Google, each page should have a distinct title
    that reflects the content of that page
    also each page should be SEO for that separate page
    You have 66 characters (including spaces) to describe the
    page. "FAQ" or "Log in" does not describe the page to search
    engines. Maybe some more information including keywords
    would help
  6. sunnee

    sunnee New Member

    Thank you!
  7. Techie

    Techie New Member

    The site is just presenting way too much information when someone first looks at it. 2 information bubbles from the bottom and scrolling text and all those ads. I think you should space everything out a bit more to give the homepage a cleaner look.

    I think you could also remove the |Free| from your title and just leave | Freebies. It would look better.
  8. weston

    weston New Member

    I think it looks too much like a word document... maybe have the background darker than the text?
  9. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    If you change your title - check the effect it has on position
    hope this helps
  10. gretzky17

    gretzky17 Banned

    The site is pretty quick to come up, at least for me and site navigation is pretty fluid with hardly any long wait times.
    I like the theme of the site and the user of color and graphics really fits in well with your general theme and layout. As far as I can tell everything is clearly distinct and there are transparent/opaque resonating colors.

    The architecture of the site kind of worries me. When you first get on it is a little chaos. Maybe it would be better if you put the items in colums that were smaller going in a general flow of right to left rather than straight down the middle of the page.

    The header is nice but I am not sure about the faded blue.

    The navigation on the site is relatively easy but one thing I would say is that the links at the top of the page kind of look like a logo in themselves so maybe move them down a little and seperate them from the header.

    The fonts should be changed to a larger size and probably to black - it will make the site more aesthetically pleasing and easier to navigate.


  11. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    1. Check the pages:
    2. Check the navigation:
    3. Check the source code:
    Note: To check the source code, click on view in the top tool bar,
    then click on page source.

    Freebies | Free Products, Samples, and other Free Stuff!

    note: they do have categories
    also note "All in One SEO Pack"
    (never seen that before)
    Hey, It's Free!? | Daily freebies, free stuff, and free samples!

    They have categories on the left side
    Free Samples / Freebies / Free

    They have categories on the left side
    also check the meta tags
    100% REAL Free Samples | Freebies | Free Stuff

    They have categories on the left side
    also check the meta tags
    Free Stuff, Free Samples, Freebies - GoFreebies.com

    You may want to have a category list
    on the left side
    an implementation of a vertical
    CSS "flyout - dropdown" menu would be nice
    hope this helps
  12. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    - - -

    To reduce the amount of ads (advertisements) but maintain the effect of the ads, use an ad rotation program (software) that will reduce the amount of advertisement realestate (amount of space used) and give the same effect of all the ads. Also it will give fresh content (or new ads - or placement of ads.
    Search Google for "free ad rotation software". Some are better than others depending on how you use them (ie size of ads, number of ads, rotation time, etc)
    hope this helps
  13. mark l

    mark l New Member

    For me personally, its far to busy, especially when you first go into your site, and your hit with two pop ups kinda immediatley
  14. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member