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General Please give step-by-step instructions!!

Discussion in 'General' started by ayishah, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. ayishah

    ayishah New Member

    I am also very new to the whole website creation thing. I have read endless posts but have not found clear step by step instructions.

    I have Dreamweaver CS3, NVU, Photoshop 7, WinZip and downloaded 2 templates from here (charity & charity trust)

    Please give instructions (taking into consideration that I don't know anything about websites)

    1. Download template
    2. Open w/WinZip
    3. etc...

    I would really appreciate it and I am sure that others will too.
  2. sleepnbewti

    sleepnbewti New Member

  3. ayishah

    ayishah New Member

    Thanks!! You're a rock star!!!
  4. ayishah

    ayishah New Member

    Anyone else want to chime in and help. I am still stuck. I just want to change the template for charity & charity trust. I have all the tools, but I don't know what to do? Please help!!
  5. ayishah

    ayishah New Member

    :confused:Still needing help!!! Please website builders it shouldn't take too long to jot down the steps. I promise I'll do all the work.
  6. ayishah

    ayishah New Member

    I finally was able to download, unzip and change the index.html file. Now when I view it in Dreamweaver & in the browser, everything is on the right. I am about to use Photoshop to add my pics but why is everything on the right? Shouldn't it look like the template I previewed on freewebsitetemplates.com? PLEASE HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!
  7. lesauf

    lesauf New Member

    Learn XHTML

    You need to understand that templates here are not final product. They are just inspiration source for developper. so if you want to use them, you need to learn XHTML, and you will be able to use them.
    The step by step instructions can be:

    1 - Download and extract files;
    2 -Resize/draw images you want to put on your site (you need some graphics knowledges);
    3 - Insert them in the templates using XHTML (<img /> markup) or CSS (using the background property)

    If you want a site where templates fits automatically to your content look CMS (Content Managing System). they templates just need to be copied in certain folder to apply directly to the content. Personnally I recommend Drupal. But there is many others like Joomla, CMSimple.
    Another option is to ask a webdevelopper to do the job for you. Look at my website

    I hope this will help you building your site. May I have the link when you will finish it?
