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Queuing Pet Sitting

Discussion in 'Free Website Templates' started by Rebecca Wolfe, Jan 20, 2016.

  1. Rebecca Wolfe

    Rebecca Wolfe New Member

    • Website URL:

    • Website description:
      I offer 'home away from home' pet sitting services, plus assistance with short term fosters, transports and rescue efforts. My clientele area of focus is the veteran/military and first responder community

    • The Structure of my website:
      Need the following pages (which I've attempted to create on my website as you'll see)


      About Us


      Our Paw-gallery


      plus I could like a 'schedule/availability' calendar on there somewhere to check availability for booking as well as a booking tool.

      and finally a Contact Us page for people to ask questions etc.

      Also - need to be able to have social media 'buttons' for one click movement to my FB and IG and Twitter accounts

    • My favorite template designs on Free Website Templates:
      https://freewebsitetemplates.com/preview/puppy/index.html - it's clean and simple, I don't like confusing and busy sites

      https://freewebsitetemplates.com/preview/dogcare/index.html - not as simple but still a clean look

    • Other websites whose design I like:
      http://www.furry-friends-pet-care.com/home.html I like this one because it's simple, yet colorful, and very clear where to click to get what service you need/want

      http://www.alphadogs-lcva.com/ I really like this website - one of the most helpful when I was searching for local dog walking information

    • Preferred colors:
      White background/black font/with red, white and blue for patriotism (I'm a veteran and I'm focusing on our veteran community and servicemembers) where able.

    • Notes:

  2. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Hi Rebecca Wolfe,

    Your template request has been successfully added to the template production queue.

    While your request is now in the queue, this post does not guarantee the completion of your request.

    In order to better understand the needs of your template request, the FWT team may post you enquiries on this thread from time to time. Should your reply be later than 7 days of our question, we regret that your template request will lose its place in the queue.

    As such, please set your preferences to receive e-mail notifications. This way, you will be notified immediately when any of our staff members posts an enquiry.

    We will do our best to post the ETA of your template ASAP, and we look forward to working together with you to create a template that best suits your needs!