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General Page not displaying correctly (Fire Rescue Squad)

Discussion in 'General' started by bradydennis, Jul 8, 2007.

  1. bradydennis

    bradydennis New Member

    Hello My name is Brady Dennis I have been a volunteer firefighter now for about 10 years. My department placed me in charge of our "IT Committee" and that encompasses all technology related items. Our Address is http://station60.org. if you visit our site you will see that the background and other items are not displaying correctly. When I set the empty template into the folder (C:\inetpub\webroot\station60.org) the site looks the same. When I directly access the file and open it with IE it looks perfect. So I am quite sure I did not goof up the index. We are running SMB2003 with sharepoint enabled on our private web. Could this OS be posing us a problem? If you would like to check out my server I will grant you remote administrative rights. Your templates look great! Very professional (I would love to take credit for it).

    also is there a way to add our "announcements" on our private sharepoint directly to the breaking news portion?

    Thank You Again for the service you provide. I post a link to your site on our page and email it to every Fire Department in the County

    Brady L. Dennis
  2. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    Hi Dennis,

    When you upload the template onto your web server make sure you upload everything that came with the template.

    images folder, css file ect..

    To me it just looks like the css file cant be found.
  3. bradydennis

    bradydennis New Member

    re: page not displaying corectly

    Everything is in the folder that came in the .zip. It seems to me that the style.css is not able to load. As I formentioned when I load the unchanges template the same problem arises. Thank You for helping me!:)