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General onlinemoviestore template problem

Discussion in 'General' started by mastera1, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. mastera1

    mastera1 New Member

    Hi, firstly what a great site! Thanks for making these templates available:)
    I have downloaded the onlinemoviestore template and wish to change it to a bookstore, when I open the index in frontpage everything is ok except the text is all layered on top of each other so you can't see what your doing. I only have basic skills editing in normal mode etc

    Thanks hope someone can help!:eek:
  2. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    Im not sure how you do it in frontpage but make sure you load the css for the template aswell.
  3. mastera1

    mastera1 New Member

    Hi Scoooty
    I have downloaded other templates and have had no problems with the css before?

    Thanks for your response