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General Novice - Linking Question

Discussion in 'General' started by yazoo5844, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. yazoo5844

    yazoo5844 New Member

    I've been able to successfully change/alter my templates through HTML and by changing my pictures. I don't have photoshop, but don't really want to alter things too much. My one problem is that when I try to link to "secondary" pages from my index page I can't do it. Example: I create a link titled "Services" with my html link reading - '<li><a href="services.html">Primary Services</a></li>' - I've then created a "dummy" page with just writing and saved it in my folder holding the original index file as services.html - When I save this and refresh my index and try to click on the link, nothing happens. The only thing I can do it click on my Home (which directs back to the original index file) and can tell that it refreshes the page (or links back around to itself). I just can't figure out why these links won't work. Can someone help me please? I'm using the Architecture 2 template. By the way, what an awesome product with such professional presentation. I love it! Thanks!
  2. westmatrix99

    westmatrix99 New Member

    Firstly is it this one:

    Secondly what did you use to edit this page in?

    Just change the link from whatever your page name is or the page that you want to link it to.
    You could even use "windows notepad" for that.

    In your case see below...
    Change this:
    to this: