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General newbie help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by allstarj, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. allstarj

    allstarj New Member

    I would like a shopping cart on the film makers site to sell dvds as well as the ability to create a forum, and be able to upload youtube videos and stream etc. Can this be done? I'm a novice at all of this. Your site look absolutely amazing. How does this work? after getting a site from you do I find a host like godaddy to host it? Can I pay to have the design by free website templates removed?
    Can I be an affiliate?
  2. allstarj

    allstarj New Member

    Anyone home?

    Anyone out there??!!!
  3. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Yes it can be done.

    Download the template you like and start coding it.
    You are not getting a site, but a template. You always need a host and a registrar.
    Read the forum https://freewebsitetemplates.com/forum/showthread.php?p=28480#post28480
    You have to email the owner.
    Yes - people are out here.
    "the hurrier i go the behinder i get"
    If you took, just a tad more time looking around you could have answered all this yourself. oh I removed your post today as double posting is not allowed. We know you want it all right now, but this site is more of a try and learn type, Where Everyone donates the time for someone.
  4. allstarj

    allstarj New Member

    Thanks Ishkey
  5. mdjzh

    mdjzh New Member

    Thanks to share this information
  6. bmcoll3278

    bmcoll3278 New Member

    Some will not agre with me but I was new to the web once. Ishkey is rite slow down and read every thing you can find then ask for help with what you dont understand.
    I use hostgator http://www.hostgator.com/
    8 bucks a month and freedom to do what I want .
    also check out http://www.zen-cart.com/ It is a open source shopping cart with lots of free ad ons and a forum that will answer almost any question you come up with about using it Plus it is free