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General new to everything :)

Discussion in 'General' started by Smokinggun, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. Smokinggun

    Smokinggun New Member

    hi im pretty new to everything in general.

    this is what i want to do.

    lets say a friend and me have a site, but we want to edit it.

    1) if we download a template what do we need to implement it into his site?

    2) how do i edit the template to add things like

    --replace the pictures

    --add interactive menus

    3) do i need the webmasters password and such to access the website if i want to edit it?

    4) what programms do i need to edit websites, ive heard of microsoft frontpage but have never used it, then theres coffeecup...any other suggestions

    5) and in general html coding, whats a good beginner site,

    6) i want to have an intro to the site, and after the intro have 2 menus, one to enter a certain part of the site, and the other leads to somewhere else on the site.

    any help is greatly appreciated i know its alot, but i will be very gratefull for anyone that is able to help me !! thank you.:)
  2. solemage

    solemage New Member

    yes you need the password, you ned an ftp program up upload the files..
    you need to edit the html to have it say what you want, change the images in the images folder to what you want.

    for a into, you will need to make it, .index.html , wich means thats the first page that everyone will see when they go to www.yourdomain.com

    google html school, i think its called w3 or something, teaches you basic, and advanced stuff.
  3. Connor

    Connor Moderator / Programmer