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Graphics New Banner for my website

Discussion in 'Free Graphics' started by moabhunting, Jan 16, 2010.

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  1. moabhunting

    moabhunting New Member

    Here is the link to my website www.moabhunting.com

    I would like this new pic to be my background image....you can crop whatever you like to make the pic work. You can also downsize a little or whatever it takes to make it work. I do need the banner to match my old one which is 800 X 250 and I would like the outline around the banner also...like the original one


    Here is the original artwork that was placed on the other banner:
    The color of the antlers on this logo were changed when posted on the banner I have now. I like the color on the banner I have now becaue it matches the other wording on my site...such as Buy and Sell Your Outdoor Gear Here



    *This logo below needs to be smaller to match the original banner

  2. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Nice looking buck - but when I try to place him on the background and proportion him, he gets distorted so I added woods to both sides. If I place "the mom of bucks" over him, he gets lost. There really is a outline around the banner color #8b864e at 2px wide. I removed some of the woods around the deer and on him. Sharpened him up so he would stand out more and blurred the woods around him trying to increase the focal point on him.
    Let me know what you think.

    Attached Files:

  3. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Or maybe a different layout?

    Attached Files:

  4. moabhunting

    moabhunting New Member

    *I want the Deer pic to have it's original quality and be full size...if only parts of the deer can be seen that is fine and whatever is cropped off is fine.

    I like the banner I have now but want to change the pic. Also what has been bugging me about my site is my main logo in the center. It is not very good quality and not the original logo.

    *I think my first step is to Make a new logo that is clear background. I like this logo but it is not a clean image. Is there a way a new logo can be made and have the same color of the antlers that is on my main page right now? Here is my logo and it would be great to have it redone on a clear background so I can paste it anywhere I want.

    Also I want this image to be the main focal point on my banner and can even be a little bigger or the size that is on my original banner now.

  5. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Anybody want to jump on this go for it.
    I just picked up two programming jobs which is going to consume my time and with what they are paying, I'm going to give them my undivided attention.
  6. Jiggles

    Jiggles Member

    ishkey, what format is the source files in?
  7. Jiggles

    Jiggles Member

    Any better?

    Attached Files:

  8. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    My files are in a .xar extension Xara Xtreme Pro 5, but here are some parts in jpg and png you can use, including the text.

    Attached Files:

  9. moabhunting

    moabhunting New Member

    I do like that.... I like the other original font style though with the black outline because it shows up so good.

    I like the font style you have but it needs the heavy black outline to make it more Visible...where it says www.moabhunting.com and buy and sell your outdoor gear here.

    Other than that it looks GREAT!!!!!!!

    *also is that the best the pic quality can be? If you look at my banner I have on my site now the pic quality is really good. I know the pic quality I gave you to work with is not that good.....so I understand if that's as good as it gets. Thankyou and I like the banner
  10. Jiggles

    Jiggles Member

    For some reason when i upload it the quality drops a bit. When you get the final layout that you like ill zip it for you. :)

    Attached Files:

  11. moabhunting

    moabhunting New Member

    I like the 1st one...but can you brighten up the lettering like the bottom one or use the same color. I like your text better but want the other color....Looks Brighter
  12. Jiggles

    Jiggles Member

    How about this:

    Attached Files:

  13. moabhunting

    moabhunting New Member

    That is Great.... I like it:)

    *One last question...in your opinon can you see the the letter m in www.moabhunting.com

    on the banner it looks like some of the m is missing...but maybe that is just the style of font?

    what do you think?
  14. Jiggles

    Jiggles Member

    I can see it.
  15. moabhunting

    moabhunting New Member

    I like it and I am going to use this...thankyou so much

    *eventually I want to make my center logo where it says mother of all bucks a little different or redo it so it is cleaner and stands out better. That can wait for another day.

    Thankyou I really like the Banner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. moabhunting

    moabhunting New Member

    Forgot to mention...can you zip this final layout

  17. Jiggles

    Jiggles Member

    Sure can when I get back to my PC. :)
  18. Jiggles

    Jiggles Member

    As promised!

    Attached Files:

    • Moab.zip
      File size:
      281.1 KB
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