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General Need help with Template

Discussion in 'General' started by denise1, Jun 22, 2007.

  1. denise1

    denise1 New Member


    I requested help sometime ago with my template. I have downloaded templete 20. I don't have Photoshop and can not change the psd files. I was told my LM I could get help? Is there another program I can use that is more cost effective?

    Plus, when I put the templete in my dreamweaver 4 the formatting is lost. So, I don't get any of the images. And yes the images are in my dream weaver with the css style sheets. How do I correct? :)

    Thank you for your help!
  2. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    If its only a fairly small change you can post it here and somebody will probly modify it for you.

    With Dreamweaver make sure that the CSS is actually been loaded onto the template, sometimes just having it in the same folder does not work.
  3. denise1

    denise1 New Member

    Edit Issues with Template

    Okay. I now have an image editor so I can change the text on the image. But, how do I load the text and pics and style sheets in dreamweaver 4 so that they will keep the formating?

    I have everything in dreamweaver but when I open the index.html the formating is lost.

    Do I have to work in Dreamweaver 8?

    Some other people on this site have had the same issue. How did they fix it?

    Thank you for your help in advance!
  4. Wifey

    Wifey New Member

    maybe this will help?

    Hi I noticed you were having some of the same issues I was having. I downloaded free trial version of ADobe Photoshop CS3 so I could make the alterations I wanted, but it's only for a month, so you have to move quickly. It's cost effective and it gets the job done.
  5. denise1

    denise1 New Member

    Thank you

    Thanks for the heads up. I will down load and update. Thanks