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General Need Help with football template

Discussion in 'General' started by savagek, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. savagek

    savagek New Member


    I downloaded the free football template and changed a few things but by no means am I experienced at this.

    I do not know how to change the menu names as they seem to be images and I have no way to change these?

    Is there a way to make this template expands to fit any screen resolution?

    Does the search box/function on this template work and/or how to set up?

    Does the "Join the Sports Card Mailing List Email" function work and/or how to set up?

    Please let me know if anyone can help.


  2. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    can you post a sample of the template there? it´s easier to explain with graffics
  3. savagek

    savagek New Member

  4. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    1- you want an internal or google like searchbar?
    2- Join the Sports Card Mailing List Email (link it to your mail)
  5. savagek

    savagek New Member

    What would be the difference with an internal or google like searchbar??

  6. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    if its a google like you have lots of sites explaning how to do it... i can give some links...
  7. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    try this

    1. <LI class=li1><!-- Search Google -->
      <LI class=li1><center>
      <LI class=li1><FORM method=GET action="http://www.google.com/search">
      <LI class=li1><input type=hidden name=ie value=UTF-8>
      <LI class=li2><input type=hidden name=oe value=UTF-8>
      <LI class=li1><TABLE bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><tr><td>
      <LI class=li1><A HREF="http://www.google.com/">
      <LI class=li1><IMG SRC="Logo_40wht.gif"
      <LI class=li1>border="0" ALT="Google" align="absmiddle"></A>
      <LI class=li2><INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=25 maxlength=255 value="">
      <LI class=li1><INPUT type=submit name=btnG VALUE="Google Search">
      <LI class=li1></td></tr></TABLE>
      <LI class=li1></FORM>
      <LI class=li1></center>
    2. <!-- Search Google -->
  8. savagek

    savagek New Member

    Would I put this in the source file or the CSS file?
  9. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    in the source...