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General Need help with Charity Template...please

Discussion in 'General' started by gunnarlarson, Sep 14, 2007.

  1. gunnarlarson

    gunnarlarson New Member

    Hello, first let me say, THANK YOU for the great site. The templates are awesome! Again, thanks a whole bunch!

    Now, I've created my site using the Charity Template - and so far it looks great. However, I'm having difficulty adding additional pages - as of now the site has 5, but I'd like 10 or so. For some reason I cannot create additional pages, even with the CSS. The formatting gets messed up. Can anyone offer any ideas? advice?? anything???

    Thanks a lot for any help I can get.

  2. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    What is the address of your site? I will take a look at it and see if there is a code problem.
  3. gunnarlarson

    gunnarlarson New Member

    Hi, and thank you very much! The site is www.beach-n-it.com

    However, the home page is loaded, and each additional page is supposed to follow the same look, they do but are not currently loaded. The problem I'm referring to is noteable on the "Favorite Attractions" page - http://www.beach-n-it.com/favoriteattractions.html

    Notice how the body of the page doesn't match the body of the home page....the home page has a pale grey table/body that houses the main content of the site, but the main content of the favorite attractions page - the table, or lack of, simply matches the background of the page. I want the look of the home page.

    Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you! I really do appreciate your help with this.

  4. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    No problem. Here is one of the issues right off the top of the site in your HTML code:

    Notice that the <img src=""> has file://c...etc. you need to change it to <img src="images/wheat.jpg" /> that will fix one of the problems. The others are all similar such as:

    As you can see all of your image files are pointing to your desktop and not your website images folder. You will need to change them all to <img src="images/IMAGENAME.jpg" /> and that should fix most if not all of the problems with the site. Also you should make sure that the images in your CSS are pointed to the correct folder as well. If you would like to have me post the proper HTML code on here, that will not be a problem.
  5. gunnarlarson

    gunnarlarson New Member

    Lisa....WOW!!! You are marvelous!!! Oh my gosh....where do I begin! I can't thank you enough! You are simply the best! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

    ...and yes, if you could post the additional code that would just help me out tremendously. Again, I can't thank you enough! You are a wonderful person - it's very generous of you to help so many people out like you do.

  6. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    Well thank you so much for your kind words. I am glad that I am able to help others out. You are very welcome.

    This is the code you should use for that page as long as all your images are in the "images" folder on your host.

    If you need help with additional pages, or it this doesn't work for some reason let me know. I took a look at your CSS file and it is just fine.

  7. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    Oh, your index.html needs to be replaced with this as well, in order to be able to view your "home" page:

  8. gunnarlarson

    gunnarlarson New Member

    HELP....~~~ One last time

    Hi Lisa, as awlways, thanks for all your great help.

    Well, I did what you said and pointed all my image files to ...."image/filename.jpg"....etc. and in Dreamweaver it all looks great, beautiful actually! But when I publish the darn thing it doesn't render. The format - outline anyway - of the page is there, but the pics don't load, the background colors don't properly load...it's a mess. The link are working - and for some reason, one of my pages continually fails to load altogether...argh!! I'm using FTP to load and everything seems to upload successfully. I can see it in my hosting directory, but when I open it in a browser, it all looks like crap. Can you help me one last time please? The site again is www.beach-n-it.com

    Thank you very very very very VERY much Lisa!!!!!

  9. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    No problem...it seems that your style.css is missing. It should be on the same level as your index.html, so should your images folder. If you aren't opposed PM me your FTP information and I will take a look at how everything is set up and fix the problem for you. :)