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Legacy Need help with a DJ Logo Please

Discussion in 'Archived' started by WebsiteNewbie, Nov 11, 2010.

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  1. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Give me a few days on this please (that's if GG doesn't take it forward)

    What size banner are we talking ?
  2. WebsiteNewbie

    WebsiteNewbie New Member

    Thanks - was intending to use it on a 6ft by 2 banner, in addition to on the website and business cards
  3. GG

    GG Active Member

    No worries forest it's all yours. You would have to be careful for a banner of that size to ensure the graphics don't loose it's quality when printed. I had to do a banner once of that same size and turned out a little blurry but luckily it was fir a friend and from a distance you couldn't really notice. So be careful with that.
  4. WebsiteNewbie

    WebsiteNewbie New Member

    Sorry I forgot to mention, that it is a horizontal 6ft by 2 banner to fit across the front of table I DJ on
  5. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    How about something that spans the 6x2 banner and fits on a biz card and sets you off from the crowd.
    You could create the biz card as a two sided card with info on both sides. Your main display on the front that people will remember and the back with all that info people need.
    Here is what I visualized which would be different from all the others.
    Hope Forest and GG don't mind me posting?

    Attached Files:

  6. GG

    GG Active Member

    Nope not at all Ish. Great work by the way. Love the use of the colours and also gives that eye catching effect. Great job as always :D
  7. WebsiteNewbie

    WebsiteNewbie New Member

    Hi Ishkey,

    wow that does really stand out - certainly different look to other Asian DJ's around my areas.

    I was most likely going to go for 1 sided business cards, and in terms of details on the cards and banner, was going to perhaps give my mobile number and website address

    So what do you guys suggest when there are a couple of logos you like and think could work? lol....

    I really love this new look that Ishkey has chosen, but I still did like GG's logo on post 5, and what 1970Forest was working on from post 14 and could see them all working....

    Guess its down to me though ultimately to see what I want to front the service I provide......

    Once I decide upon one, what is usually the process from there or the next steps if I would like to use one of the logos that have been created?

    As always, thanks everyone for all the work put in so far
  8. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Yep I guess you have a dilemma on your hands - but that's a good thing.
    Glad you like them all. There is nothing like 3 guys trying to cloud things with 3 different great styles. You be able to figure out which direction you want to go. I am sure we can give you one final mod on the graphic you decide.
    Now you have to come all the way out of that compressed virtual music world for a moment, say to yourself
    "I was going to settle for Headphones and be like everyone else and didn't so why should I use 1 sided Biz cards. Hell One Side Shows Me and the other I can put anything I want, all I have to be is creative."
    Get an edge on your competition, be a Pro in all facets.

    Heck you are going to Buy the Cards and the Banner, You get Paid to Do your thing and what did we cost you, a BIG FAT GOOSE EGG, believe me when I say people who contract us for paid work understand right up front what the cost will be. DON'T sell yourself short on one sided Biz Cards, if you did I would have to say in todays world of technology anyone can be a DJ - Photographer - Graphic Artisit, question then becomes How Good Are You Really. That the money you saved here and give the printer a little more. With the rest buy a new piece of equipment.

    When the time comes we will provide you with the proper files zipped up.

    (too much sugar)
  9. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Just a little bit of a sugar rush there Ish.... Very nice design sir
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