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Websites My Disco site

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by Jiggles, Sep 23, 2009.

  1. Jiggles

    Jiggles Member

    Could you tell me how good my hand work is. Good or bad all is good :)


  2. smithpeter018

    smithpeter018 New Member

    its really nice you are champ
  3. Jiggles

    Jiggles Member

    Anymore :D
  4. grodt718

    grodt718 New Member

    Here u go"

    I just visited your site, Looks good-Nice colors everything in order I give it a thumbs ups":D
  5. I think it looks good, although I would separate the right column from the left somehow.. it's a little difficult to read.
  6. Jiggles

    Jiggles Member

    Yeh tried many things but made it look tacky. =/
  7. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    You should make the main body font larger
    GoldenPaws is right the columns are to close and to close to the header.
    You might want yo try this fix in the css file. I added the margin and commented out the padding which is worthless on your template since you have nothing to use the padding against.
    #colOne {
       margin: 15px 17px 0px 22px;
     float: right;
     width: 565px;
     font-size: 13px;
     /*padding: 0 15px 0 0;*/
    #colTwo {
       margin-top: 15px;
     float: left;
     width: 160px;
     /*padding: 0 0 0 15px;*/
  8. Jiggles

    Jiggles Member

    Cheers Ishkey! thats better :)
  9. bmcoll3278

    bmcoll3278 New Member

    It passes W3C xhtml validation. Thats great
    Here are the warnings
    0:line 6 column 1 - Warning: <meta> element not empty or not closed
    1:line 7 column 1 - Warning: <meta> element not empty or not closed
    2:line 8 column 1 - Warning: <meta> element not empty or not closed
    3:line 9 column 1 - Warning: <link> element not empty or not closed
    4:line 10 column 1 - Warning: <meta> element not empty or not closed
    5:line 11 column 1 - Warning: <meta> element not empty or not closed
    6:line 12 column 1 - Warning: <meta> element not empty or not closed
    7:line 13 column 1 - Warning: <meta> element not empty or not closed
    8:line 14 column 1 - Warning: <meta> element not empty or not closed
    9:line 15 column 1 - Warning: <meta> element not empty or not closed
    10:Info: Document content looks like XHTML 1.0 Transitional
    11:10 warnings, 0 errors were found!

    To be honest I would suggest a little more info on the main page with a few more of the keyword used in the body.
    Other wise It looks very good to me But I would need some thing a little more to get my interest if I wanted a dj service.. Please dont take me as negitive the main page looks better than what I can do LOL just being honest.
  10. Jiggles

    Jiggles Member

    Gets me the work so it must work. :D What would get you interested bmcoll?
  11. bmcoll3278

    bmcoll3278 New Member

    I am in the US and not very traveled. So it may not apply there but how big is Scotland?
    My heritage is from there But any way . If it was here you would need a lot more info on where you are or how far you will travel to a gig.

    I know that is on the faq page but I would have left the site before looking there. I want to know I am looking at a business in my area first thing. (just my opinion )
    Also in the US a picture of your equip would be nice again diff culture there so may not apply.
    I think the site looks great. But you asked so there it is.
  12. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Not to over step my bounds but I agree something is needed to grab your attention. say something like this.

    Attached Files:

    • fs.jpg
      File size:
      71.7 KB
    • ps.jpg
      File size:
      90.4 KB
    • party.zip
      File size:
      1.2 MB
  13. bmcoll3278

    bmcoll3278 New Member

    Not my site But I am impressed
  14. grodt718

    grodt718 New Member

    Give Thanks

    :rolleyes:The imagination of some people, Great Work, Great Idea it made the website look more full ,(Complete) except you wouldn't want to have a family pic mix with adult images , That's just my opinion
  15. Jiggles

    Jiggles Member

    Hows that for interesting now :) thanks Ishkey AGAIN! :D
  16. Wital

    Wital New Member

    Nice site you maintained it well nice work but a lot of work have spare for doing on it.